Four O'Clock

190 6 3

Mingyu POV

"Happy four months," I whisper to the sleepy boy next to me in bed.

Instead of responding, Jihoon just scoots closer to me, if that's even possible at this point.

"Jiiihooon," I tease. "It's time to wake uppp." His head moves left and right quickly in response.

"Yessss," I say before tickling him. He jerks away, his laughter silent.

"Let's go on a date," I say when he finally calms down. Nod.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"Coffee?" he signs.

"Sure," I respond, trying to hide my anxiety.

I haven't taken Jihoon to the coffee shop that was once so special to us. I'm scared that him going there won't bring back his first memories of me, no matter how much I want it to. Don't get me wrong, just the fact that he remembers me at all is huge, and I'm so thankful for that, but the way we met is special to me. It proves that being a clumsy oaf isn't always a bad thing. In fact, my clumsiness is what changed my life forever.

Jihoon's finger digging into my cheek brings me back to reality.

"I'm sorry, I'm listening," I say to my pouting boyfriend.

"You mean watching," he signs sarcastically. I sigh, and he smiles.

"When do you want to go?" he signs.

"We'll get up and ready in just a minute, then head out," I reply before pulling him back into my arms.

We cuddle for a while before finally getting up. Once we're both changed, we head out. It's about a ten minute walk from our place. We hold hands the whole way and just enjoy each others presence.

I spend every moment of the walk there worrying about what will happen when we enter the coffee shop. Worrying about Jihoon not remembering our meeting.

We finally arrive, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as we push through the entrance. I then turn to Jihoon behind me who smiles sadly. He doesn't remember.

"It's okay," I mumble before leading him to the counter to order.

Junhui's there, and he smiles brightly at us as we approach him. "Hey you guys," he greets happily. "How are you?"

Jihoon smiles and I reply. "We're good, Jihoon remembers me now," I say enthusiastically. "He just doesn't remember some of the little things."

"Ahh," he replies. "I'm glad you guys at least seem a lot happier than the last time I saw you, and I'm sure Jihoon will continue to remember those things over time."

"Yeah, thanks Jun."

"Of course, so what can I get you guys?" he asks.

We order our drinks and a few breakfast croissants before making our way to the back corner where we used to sit all the time.

"I really am sorry Gyu," Jihoon signs as we take our seats.

"It's okay Ji," I sign back sighing. "It was worth a shot."

"I know you say that, but I still can't help but feel bad," Jihoon signs.

Before I get the chance to reply, Junhui pulls up another chair to our table with a smile on his face.

"I hope you guys don't mind? I'm on my break, but I can go sit somewhere else if I need to," he says quickly.

"Oh no, you're fine here Junhui," Jihoon signs and I translate for him.

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