Chapter 18// Late night call

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After we talked about our plans to inori we Ava went home i went to my room and inori and Sebastian talking out there little agreement that i jad created i sighed laying my bed.

It's still smells like him i think about the convocation that me and Sebastian had.

"I know everything y/n" i stop to look at him but he doesn't look at me he just stands there and smokes i closed the door again "w-what?".

"Inori told me everything" i walk next to him looking at him in disbelieve "that bitch".

"Look y/n i like taehyung he a friend that haven't backstab me at least not yet" he take a long pause to take a long inhale of smoke.

"And for inori i like her a lot, and your inori sister so i jave to worry about you you i guess" i was no long amused by the somke i was focused on Sebastian word's.

"And want to do something about it and put those guys to jail" "how are you going to do that".

He smirk bring the cigarette to touch his bottom lip "the thing is you don't really now me y/n" i tlit my head in cunfustion.


"You don't know nothing about my past and aboit my faimly, but i have a trick up my sleeve i just need you to follow some things" i noddes my head.

"But what's your trick?"

Sebastian sigh as be looks up he doesn't look proud of his tittle "I'm th-"

The ringing of my phone awakes me from my daze, i was falling alseep without notice.

I look for my phone to see who is calling me.

Checking for the caller ID i smiled see the name on the screen .

It was Skylar, i didn't hesitant to answer, i bring the phone slowly to my ear let out a happy "hello".

But that smile soon disappear when i heard sobs on the other side of the phone.

I sat up qukiky "Skylar what's wrong" by the sound of her cracking voice she needed my help "y/n i need your hlep, please please hlep me" she cried.

Getting up i slipped on some jeans with my phone still on my ear "yea i a. On my way tell me where you at" putting the phone on speakers i threw my phone on the bed as i look for a hoodie.

"At the bar" when i find one i slipped it on without carrying to put a bra on "okay i am on my way just wait there okay" she sniffed saying a shaky okay".


I run inside the club it took a while as i try to convince the big dude to let me in not untill i sneaked in there as he got distracted.

I spotted Skylar sobbing on a bar counter i speed walk to her, as i get closer to her my steps slowed down.

She was bruised, dried blood on her nose as she had hands marks on her neck my heart broke.

"Skylar" when she turn to me i let out a tiny gasp at the sight of her black eye and bruised cheek "w-wha- who did this to you" i sat next to her grabing a napkin to wipe the blood in the coner of her lip.

The Brabender walk walked up to up asking us what to drink "2 shots" tje male nodded looking at skylar worried "is she okay".

I snapped at the poor man "dude can you just do your job please" then he left leaving us alone.

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