1: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Gianna.

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Gianna's POV

My heart thuded agaisnt my chest as I sit beside my husband in his Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray. My fingers knotted together as my palms become clammy with sweat, knees pressed together so tight I could feel the bones trying to dig into either knee.

"Breathe." He whispered glancing over at me, I exhale. I was probably purple from the way I was holding my breath, certainly glad that he was able to see that before I passed out.

"This was a bad idea." I croaked, my throat dry from anxiety. Two years, two years I've spent locked away in the house that Wyatt willed to me. Two years of no rememberance of how the outside world felt.

In fact, the only time I'd feel the sunshine is from laying on the floor of my son's bedroom, then and only then would I get fresh air.

I dare not step outside because of the fear that some paparazzi would snap a shot of me. The safest place in the house was my son's room, the only place that I'd get to be apart of the outside world.

"It's not, staying in the house as long as you did was a bad idea." I'd roll my eyes in protest of him going against my words but, despite everything, he was right.

"Take me home." I begged not wanting to step outside of the car as he pulled into the parking lot. Still, I haven't made way outside because the car was parked in the garage. "It's too late for that now." I look around, scouting the perimeter in search of anyone that could be a paparazzi.

"There is no one out here, the place is as private as it can get." He removes his seat belt openning his door seconds later.

I begin taking deep breaths in and out placing my hand over my chest, a poor attempt in steadying it. I had nothing to tell myself about what I was doing.

Fear enveloped me and I was yet to understand my own fears. What the hell was I so afraid of?

I've been going outside for most of my living years, yet stepping outside of this car felt as if I was stepping off a cliff.

Who am I kidding? I know exactly what I'm afraid of. It's the same thing ever since I was a nerdy kid.


When I told the world about my story, I was completely naked, I stripped my clothes off and stood before them bare...

They all judged me not caring of the situation I was in. Sure enough, many of them stood by me, but the minority turned into bullies, the type of people that destroyed my childhood. Small, but still affected.

"Babe?" I turn to look at Elliott as he stands holding the door for me open, a hand stretches out for me and I take it.

This man had helped me overcome so much in the pass and taking his hand meant that he would help me overcome this as well.

The night air wrapped around me as I took a giant leap, the car door slamming startling me. "Why so jumpy Gianna?" I shrugged as he placed his hand at my lower back.

I was afraid of people, not the outside world.

"We should go inside." I say, hoping that the quicker we get in, the better it will be to hide.

Wrong, inside was bright, the walls were white and the lights reflected off them making it brighter, even the floors.

Hiding in here would be impossible, people enganged in conversations and walked around, drinking their champaign, minding there business.

I stood behind my husband clutching his jacket for dare life. He got many greetings as we stood at the door and I looked for many ways out of the sea of people. How the heck did Mia know so many?

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