3: Open Up.

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"Wyatt has a son." I sit in a dark brown leather couch with my knees pressing together as I rest my elbows in my lap, hands together with fingers interlocked.

"He has a son with Isabel Perez." I tell her secret as it weighed on my heart, I had to tell someone.

"And how does this make you feel?" Bronswick asks as he looks at me through his retangular framed glasses, his notebook sitting in his lap and his pen ready to write.

"Horrible." I croaked. "It brings me back to the thoughts I had before of me ruining Wyatt's life... of me being the reason for his death."

"Have you talked to Isabel about this, have you tried to express your feelings toward her?"

"No, she hates me and she wants me to mind my own business and not tell anyone about her child."

"Are you going to do what she says?" I look up at him as I begin biting my nail, do I really want to do that? I shake my head.

"Of course not, I feel responsible for her pain and I want to fix that, I want to help."

"What if she is not accepting of your help?"

"Well, she will just have to take it, she will be accepting when she finds out what I'm doing."

"Do you think helping people who don't want your help is a good idea?"

"Yes... no, maybe... I- I don't know, but I'm sure she'd feel happier."

"And how are you so sure about this?"

"She misses Wyatt probably more than I do, giving her his houses with his belongings would make her feel closer to him." I smile feeling pleased.

"What about the pain she will feel looking at these relics, don't you think it will stretch unhealed wounds wider?"

"It could, it also couldn't, nothing beats a trial than a failure."

"Do you remember what happened the last time you tried to help someone that didn't want it?" I look at him, eyes wide and sad, I chuckle.

"God, even you think that I was the reason for what happened."

"I don't." He leans forward. "My job is to help you understand and look at things from other perspectives."

"Then why use the most traumatic one that invovled innocent people losing their lives?"

"Because you still don't understand the meaning of someone not wanting your help." I roll my eyes, I honestly can't deal with this guy right now and it's time to leave.

"I understand and you know what I also understand?"

"What Gianna?"

"That the same person that didn't want my help needed it, he craved it so much that he accepted it with open arms and used it."

"Wyatt was trying to protect you and when he realized you didn't listen he just accepted it, but, that did not stop him from still trying to protect you."

"I know."

"And you know what happened while he did that." Lives were lost, I sigh.

"What could Isabel possibly want to protect me from?"

"Maybe it's not you she's trying to protect." I squint my eyes as I let the words resonate, my phone begins vibrating and I take it out to see a message from Elliott. He was letting me know that he was finished and ready to leave.

"I have to go." I stand ready to make my leave. "See you soon." His words were a promise, whether I agreed with him or not, I was bound to him. I sigh as I shut the door behind me.

Superstar's Spotlight: Limelight  (18+) [COMPLETED] {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now