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Harry sighed exasperatedly. The sky outside the window was blue and clear like any other day in the past two weeks. It was a perfect day to go and hang out with friends, go on a wonderful picnic with your family...but alas, when was Harry so lucky to experience all those; to enjoy his life? His parents were dead; they were killed by an insane murderer who assumes to be the greatest wizard ever walked on the earth. His relatives, who he lives with; for him it, would be better if they didn't exist. He at least would be free to go anywhere he wanted. After so many years of extreme abuse, he has stopped thinking about any way to make them love him.

Right now he was waiting by the window for one or two owls to fly in with letters. He was waiting for his best friends; Hermione and Ron to reply to his several letters that he's send to get some news of the wizarding world. The last letter he wrote, he could remember well, was the seventh time he was writing to them after he got no reply for the previous ones. He had actually expected this.

After the tri-wizard tournament, they didn't talk much to them; actually nobody did. Everyone was blaming him for the death of Cedric Diggory, and for lying about the return of the Dark Lord. He's tried to approach them, but they had just ignored the topic, which gave him the impression that they too were blaming him for the death of a fellow student. Even his mentor and guardian; Professor Dumbledore had also become quite.

Harry sighed again. He has been waiting for two days for them to reply to him. But nothing has come. Eventually he gave up on expecting any reply from them. But he was still determined to get some news of the wizarding world. So he made up a plan.

Around ten-thirty, he was finally able to enter his bedroom, after completing the never ending house chores given by Aunt Petunia. Tired and exhausted, he rolled over his bed; his limbs spread across tiredly. Instantly his eyes started drooping; engulfing him in the darkness of sleep. He snapped open his eyes, as he remembered his plan from the morning. He immediately got up from his bed, and started pulling out his trunks. He put all his clothes and the few books and quills hidden under the lose floorboard; and secretly and very quietly padded out of his room. He cleverly avoided the last step that creaked and reached the cupboard under the stairs, where the rest of the books, his broomstick and his wand lay, locked up. He packed everything in his trunk, with his utmost effort to make no noise.

When he was done, the only thing he needed was to get out of the house. He knew what he was doing; he was running away from the house where he was abused, beaten up to pulp, and sexually harassed over the last fifteen years. No, he wasn't just doing this to get some news of the other world he knew, he was doing this to save his own life. For the first time in all this years of saving the world he was doing something for himself. His friends wouldn't be very happy about it; he knew that. But they had left no other choice for him. He wouldn't be surprised if he was killed by his relatives one day.

He waited for the night to darken more. He had let Hedwig go and told him to wait at the Leaky Cauldron for him. Around one in the morning, Harry decided that it was the time to make a move. He lifted his trunk, and moved out of the house as quietly as possible. He could hear Dudley snore from even outside of the house. He chose to walk in the dark in any case the light from his wand could wake people up. When he reached a quiet and almost empty alley, he took his wand out and held it in the air; summoning a Knight Bus.

He reached Diagon Alley in less than two hours. After the bus has left, he started walking towards the Leaky Cauldron. The streets were dark and dead quite due to the fall of the night. This time he took his wand out and cast a small orb of light to see the path.

He entered the Leaky Cauldron with a ring of bell. The place was dark, if not the light from his wand. A man walked out rubbing his eyes. He felt a bit guilty for disturbing him at this point of time.

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