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Tom snapped around to the direction the voice had come from. There were standing the two most interesting people in Tom's life right now; Harry and Dominique.

"Merlin's beard dears, when did you come in?" Slughorn asked panicked.

"The same time Tom walked in." Dominique said smirking.

Tom's eyes narrowed again. It seems like he had been doing this a lot lately.

"They have clearly showed some strange abilities in the corridor this morning that Professor Dumbledore has chose them for this class." Slughorn said beaming at the two new students.

"Oh, you are right Professor. He wouldn't have known that we even exist if we weren't any special. It is very important to show your power to get noticed. Or people wouldn't even know that you exist." Dominique smiled at the Professor. But Tom and Harry could see the smirk in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, very right you are. Power is very important to thrive in the world. Now tell me, what special powers do you think you have?" Slughorn asked smiling at them.

"Well, about me, Harry, I often happen to invent new spells and curses accidentally. It has happened quite a few times before we came to Hogwarts. Once I almost froze my old... friend to death with a freezing curse. Before that, I created a special shield that would prevent anything from coming near me; curses, hexes, even people and animals." Harry said honestly.

"Bravo, you show perfect capabilities of a spell smith. Okay, anything else that you have witnessed that is different from others?" Slughorn asked.

"Um...yes actually. I have one more capability." Harry said cautiously and peered to Tom who was looking at him with curious eyes. "I can speak parseltongue." He didn't move his eyes from Tom. He saw his eyes go wide and mouth hung open a bit before going back to the normal blank look. But Harry knew better than to think that the effect of the revelation has wore off. His mind was working faster than anybody in the whole Hogwarts right now.

"You speak Parseltongue?" Slughorn asked gaping at him. Harry just nodded. "I think you know this that Parseltongue can only be spoken—"

"—by the heir of Salazar Slytherin; I know that Professor. But let me clear the fact that according to my knowledge I'm no heir of Slytherin. I am a Potter." Harry said in an impassive voice.

"Then how?" Slughorn asked in amazement.

Harry again fixed his gaze to Tom. "I have no idea Professor." He said, checking for every twitch of muscle in Tom's face. But Tom didn't even blink.

"Merlin's beard, Harry; you could be one. Anyway, moving on to Dominique, what powers do you suspect you have?" Slughorn asked.

"Sir, as Tom already knows I'm quite good at potion. I invent different kinds of potion. And apart from that, I can read people's magical aura; like whether they are dark or light, their ultimate magical power, etc." Dominique said smiling at Slughorn.

Slughorn went pale and started looking around the room. He cleared his throat into his fist and looked back at Tom. "Well then, we better start our class today." Slughorn announced. Dominique smirked at his reaction and glance at Harry who was also smirking.

"At first, Harry could you show me the curse you used this morning?" Slughorn turned to Harry.

"Of course, Professor," He took his wand out and pointed at a dummy at the end of the corner. As before he pulled his wand back and jerked it forward. A blue light appeared from his wand and hit the dummy. It fell down on the ground and the joints came out all together. Harry instantly understood what the spell has done to the boy. It has dislocated all his joints at once making him passing out in pain.

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