Catching up with Family

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Draco, Dominique, Pansy, Vincent and Gregory were sitting in the Slytherin common room. They were just sitting and carrying on with their homework. Suddenly the gargoyle opened and two panting figures entered the common room. As the people present in the common room turned to them they saw Blaise and Theo leaning on the wall beside them and were about to cry. Pansy, Nick and Draco ran towards them immediately.

"Potter knows...." Blaise said panting. All three of them took a sharp breath in and glanced at Crabbe and Goyle before running towards the boys' dorm.

As they entered they carefully locked and warded the dorm and also remembered to place a silencing charm.

"What did you see?" Nick demanded quietly.

"Harry knows...Dumbledore stealing..." Theo panted out.

"Talk in complete sentences idiot!" Draco snapped.

"Harry knows about you, Nick. He just came to know about you this summer; and many more things at that." Theo tried to explain.

Dominique was now getting fidgety. She was getting really worried about his brother. They already knew about Nick and Harry's relationship; and Nick loved her brother dearly. "Please tell me clearly what happened; and when did you see it?" she asked in a soft patient voice.

Blaise started explaining everything they saw and heard. As they explained the incident, the other three people listened in shocked trance. When Blaise and Theo were done talking, all the people present in the room had tears in their eyes. Nick sat down on a bed nearby and started sobbing hard.

"I'll kill that old bastard." She growled under her breath.

"And we all will help you." Draco chocked out from beside her, rubbing a hand on her back.

"At least we know that the twins are not with that old goat." Theo said in a considering tone.

"I don't know; he probably hates me even more now. How to gain his trust? He will never believe us." Nick said shaking her head.

After a moment of silence, Pansy spoke up. "Why don't we go and talk with the twins? I'm sure they will want to help Harry anyway they can. We'll just say that we want to help him." Pansy said a bit excited.

"Yeah, good idea Zee, we could do that. We could at least be able to make Harry listen to us that way." Theo said.

"Okay then, let's do this tomorrow." Nick said nodding.

They all departed to their own bed a bit excited and sad at the same time. They were excited that after so many years of hiding the truth form Harry, Dominique would finally be able to talk to her brother without sneering or showing hatred. Draco was relieved that he wouldn't have to taunt and tease Harry to talk with him and know about his condition with his 'friends'.

On the other hand, Harry didn't go up to his bed at all. He just sat in the common room and cried; sometimes felt good for having at two people who cared for him in real. He just thought whether Dominique knew that he was his brother or not. If she knew, then did she really hate him? If she didn't know, would she ever come to know about it?

The next day, as planned, the group of Slytherin started at their idea of talking to the twins. However disgusting they thought the process to be, to talk with two blood-traitors, they didn't know any other way to convince Harry into talking with them.

They eventually found them in their potions class; they waited outside for them; not in mood to attend any classes leaving their brother to die in agony. When the twins came out, they gave head start at the sneering.

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