The Adventure Begins

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As everybody looked in the bathroom, they all gasped at the sight. The floor was covered with crimson blood, and on it was laying a limp body of Harry; blood oozing out from his arms and throat.

"Harry, no!" the twins ran in; followed by Remus, Sirius and Draco.

"He's breathing! Help me take him to the infirmary." Dominique called over. The twins picked Harry up and carried him down to the infirmary; where there was a nurse standing.

"Lucy, get with the healing!" Lucius said running in. As soon as the twins laid Harry on the bed, the mid aged woman started muttering healing charm. But as she was doing it, she stopped after sometime.

"Sir, I need to put off the glamour he's sporting on; and also the shirt, if you don't mind." She said in a tensed tone.

"Glamour..." Remus asked a bit shocked; but nodded anyway.

The nurse instantly pulled off Harry's shirt and the glamour. Everybody gasped at the site; yet again. His whole body was covered with cuts and bruises. Some bruises were a few weeks old and the others few years. They couldn't differentiate between the self harmed and the others. But all were looking severe. Almost everybody had tears in their eyes; Marilyn, Henry, Dominique, Fred, George, Draco...

When the healer was done healing she turned to the others. "I don't know how he survived these bruises and scars altogether, but I can clearly conclude that he was tortured very badly; in muggle way. He will be fine, as I've healed most of the injuries, but just keep a check that he doesn't try to kill himself again; because he may not survive the next time." She finished with a serious and blank expression on her face and left.

"This is entirely my fault; I shouldn't have said that on the Dining table." Fred said shaking his head; tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"It's not your fault, Weasley, it's their fault. It's the fault of those disgusting muggles, and mostly the swine who had put him there in the first place; Albus Dumbledore." Dominique growled in a dangerously low tone.

They heard a groan. When they looked at the bed, they saw Harry stirring. Eventually he fluttered his eyes, open and muttered something.

"Sorry; we didn't get you." George said leaning closer to Harry.

There was a faint smile on his lips. "What, I didn't die, again?" Harry whispered. It was loud enough for the people standing near his bed to hear.

Fred and George's eyes instantly started welling up again. "No, you didn't. But you try once more, and I'll make sure that you don't hold a wand again." George chocked up pointing a finger at him.

Harry smiled a bit. "Okay fine, I won't. Because I really want to kill that old prick, you know."

"Oh, come on. Everybody present here wants to kill him. But I think you just made a mistake, it was you who you were trying to kill not him." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Harry," Severus called. "I know that we all want to kill him. But, right now, he is too powerful for us to lay even a single finger on him. He's not only the greatest wizard, but also has full influence on the ministry. If anyone's there who acquires the power to stop him is Voldemort himself; still it'll be a very tough job to actually kill him." Severus said in a heavy tone.

"But, assessing the condition of him now, I don't think he's in the right mind to even think properly. The ritual of bringing him back had a very bad effect on his mind. He's no more the intelligent Tom Riddle we knew. He just wants power now, anyhow. He's now even thinking of joining hands with Dumbledore. If this happens, then everything will be destroyed." Lucius finished.

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