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Hey guys, it's me and my new fanfiction. It's a Drarry and it's named An Unexpected Turn. Please check it out and here's a glimpse of it...please guys support me and keep suggesting any ship. I write all kinds of ships. Stay blessed and happy 😘😘💓💓

Draco entered the class with Blaise and Pansy in his tow

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Draco entered the class with Blaise and Pansy in his tow. They were not really shock to see Harry already sitting there with his face in his palms.

Being the evergreen bully he was, which he had accepted as a fact by now, he strutted to the table Harry was sitting with a smug smile on his face.

"What Potter, out of your own house now?" He asked.

Harry glanced up at Draco, as soon as he saw the blonde standing in front of him, his shoulders slumped and a hand went up to his forehead. But nonetheless, he didn't speak.

Draco raised an eyebrow and his smirk went wider.

"Poor Potter, his best friends left him. Hey, what about the Weaslette, huh? Did she break up with you?"

Harry still didn't answer, not even a sneer. Draco saw him purse his lips in a thin line and close his lips momentarily. When he opened them, was the time Harry spoke.

"Malfoy, not now. Go away." He said without looking up at Draco.

This made Draco a bit irritated. He believed that it was no fun to tease or bully somebody if he doesn't respond to you well.

"Potter, I think your brain is giving up on you well; just like your lungs. By the way, what did Weasley mean by your lungs are giving up on you?" Draco asked out of curiosity.

Draco couldn't help the gasp from escaping from his mouth as he saw Harry get up. His eyes were boring into his with an intense gaze that Draco feared would make him blind.

"You cannot take a hint, can you Malfoy?" Harry growled.

Draco was immediately taking a few steps back. He could hear the cauldrons and the jars with ingredients rattling around him.

"I tell you not to push me this once, and you cannot do that! How much of a thick skull do you have Malfoy!" Harry almost shouted and banged a hand on the wooden table. A cashing sound rang through the classroom.

"Whoa, Potter. Calm down; he's just--" Blaise was cut off by a glare from Harry.

"Come on, Draco; you don't want to get murdered right now." Pansy muttered in Draco's ears putting a hand on his shoulder.

As they sat at the table in the opposite side of the classroom, they eyed the already heaving teen on the other side. Harry had gone back to the same position as before. After a few seconds, students started arriving, making the class busy. Almost everybody who were entering the class were either just glancing at Harry or eyeing him shamelessly. Some even went to the level of pointing him with their fingers and whispering in their companion's ears.

"Get out."

Harry's head snapped up at the command. Ron was standing there with his hands in his robe pockets and a deadpanned face.

"What?" Harry asked frowning.

"I said get out. Sit somewhere else; or you may even sit on the floor, as much as I care. But you get up from here, this is my place." Ron ordered.

"Ron, you can sit beside--" Harry started with a calm tone.

But he was cut off by Ron. He was laughing hysterically. "You think I would want to sit beside you? You must be joking Potter." Ron said shaking his head.

Harry was just staring at the lanky man standing in front of him. His eyes were pricking with tears.

"Ron, please listen to me, I didn't do it on purpose!" Harry tried to explain again, but in vain.

Ron grabbed hold of Harry's robes and made him stand up.

"Hermione, keep a look at the door. Tell me if you see Snape." He said, not even bothering to lower his tone. After he saw that Hermione was gone, he turned to Harry again.

"What do you think of yourself, Harry Potter? You'll babble anything, and people will believe you? It was never the case before nor will it be now. Now get out of my sight before I beat the shit out of you." Ron said pulling at his robes and looking Harry into his eyes.

Tears were now rolling down Harry's cheeks. He couldn't believe that it was his best friends he was talking to; best friends of seven years.

His voice came out chocked and hoarse, but he didn't care. He needed to prove that it was not his fault whatever had happened in The Burrow.

"Ron, please don't do this to me. You are my best friend! Please try to understand. I--" even this time he couldn't finish as a fist was slammed on his chest knocking his breath out of him. He tried to take a deep breath and regain the oxygen but was knocked down on the floor by another punch on his chest. Blood spurted out of his mouth as he tried to breathe in some air, desperately clawing at his throat. His hands went to his pockets for the pump he always kept for his breathing problems, but he couldn't find it. He rummaged at his robes with the hope of at least finding his pump.

"Searching this, Potter?"

Harry looked up to see the pump in Ron's hands, who was standing there with a smirk on his face. The cruel smirk Harry was yet to witness on any of his loved one's face.

Harry tried to stand up, and grab the pump but couldn't find the strength to support his body on his legs.

"Ron, please--I cannot--breathe." Harry managed out panting.

Ron nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, it seems. But can you tell me what should I do?" He asked with the smirk still plastered on his face.

"Ron, Professor Snape is coming!" Harry heard Hermione call from the door.

Ron didn't give Harry the pump back. He just threw it to the other side of the classroom and quitely sat down on the bench where Harry was sitting. He just glared around the room, and whoever was even looking at the incident looked back at their desk or turned back to their friends to talk as is nothing has happened in the class.

Draco was watching the whole incident with wide eye and open mouth. Suddenly, a white and blue plastic thing fell on his lap. He picked it up and looked up at Harry. He had his hand stretched towards him. He was so lost in the incident, he didn't notice Blaise calling him.

"Draco! Give him that! He needs that to breathe." Blaise was saying while shaking him.

Draco was snapped out of his trance and as he wrapped around everything Blaise was saying, Snape entered the room.

"Mr. Potter, what do you think you are doing on the floor?" He sneered without glancing at him.

"Mr. Potter--" as he glanced at the boy on the floor, he froze on the spot.

"Professor, he's having breathing problems." Pansy spoke up from her seat.

Snape ran to the writhing body on the floor. "Potter, what happened? What--what do you need?" He asked impatiently.

Harry couldn't speak. He was just staring the way the Slytherins were sitting and pointing a finger towards them. Snape tried following his gaze.

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