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Harry was sitting in his bedroom at the Dursley's. It was one o' clock in the morning and Harry was doing his homework for the summer holidays; as always in stealth. Suddenly the door of his bedroom burst open. He tried his best to tuck the books, quill and his inkpot under his pillow. But the cover of the book got stuck in the pillow cover. As he was trying to push it under the pillow, a large man, who happened to be his Uncle, appeared.

"What are you doing, son?" he asked in an unusually polite voice.

"U-uncle Vernon, I—I was just—"Harry stuttered.

"Ah, don't worry, dear boy, I won't take them away. You can do your homework by all means." He said with a smile. He had a familiar twinkle in his eyes.

Harry's eyes widened as he recognized the smile and the accent of speaking; it was Albus Dumbledore's. But how come Uncle Vernon was speaking like him?

"Come here, my boy, I have a surprise for your birthday." Uncle Vernon said.

Birthday; it was his birthday today? He didn't remember. But what surprise would Uncle Vernon have for his birthday? He never got any present from the Dursley's. He didn't argue though, for he knew better than to do that. He walked behind Uncle Vernon into a room which he didn't know the house had. It was large and almost like a hall. As he looked around the room, he saw shackles were hanging from the walls. He skipped a heartbeat and looked up at Uncle Vernon. He had a smile that matched with Dumbledore, and the same familiar twinkle in the eyes. His throat went dry and he licked his lips nervously.

"This is your new room from now on, okay? Did you like it, dear Harry?" Uncle Vernon asked.

Harry grimaced at the sweet tone as it awfully sounded like Mrs. Weasley. He looked confused at the face.

The next moment, he found himself tied to the walls with the same iron shackle. As he looked around the room once again, he found every person that has betrayed him present there with a wide sadistic grin on their faces. They were all pointing their wands at him. Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Percy, Dumbledore.

"Hello, dear Harry, we hope you like your birthday present." Ron said grinning.

"Crucio!" he heard all of them shout as five rays of red light connected to his chest.

His body felt as though it was set on fire. As though was being burned alive. He tried to scream but no voice came out of his throat. His throat felt numb and dysfunctional. After about two minutes the curse lifted and he slumped down, releasing his full weight on the iron shackles. But he couldn't relax more. His numb feeling was replaced with the searing pain all over his body as he felt blood soaking through his clothes. He felt his breath knocked out of his lungs. He tried to breathe through his mouth, but he felt like a fish out of water. Then he tried to scream. Once again, his throat betrayed him; he couldn't scream as the cutting curses wreaked havoc over his body.

"Harry," he felt as though someone was shaking his body. But he didn't respond as he kept trying to scream and let out some agony though it.

"Harry!" he felt another shake. "Harry, wake up!" he opened his eyes and tried to take in his surrounding once again.

"Harry, wake up! Open your eyes; breathe!" somebody demanded shaking him.

He jolted up in a sitting position; breathing heavily through his mouth. He stared around the dorm with wide eyes, full of fear and tears. He saw that he was encircled by several boys and girls. He realized that it was his dorm. He was having a nightmare.

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