The Still Unknown Part

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Harry was sitting in the Gryffindor common room staring into the fire blankly. He was thinking about his life so far. Now that he was thinking about the different incidents happened in his life he could easily detect the different tricks of Dumbledore. Why were the Weasleys', being a wizarding family, going to platform nine and three quarters through the muggle station? Why was a sorcerer stone taken out of the Gringotts and was 'hidden' in Hogwarts? How come Dumbledore didn't know that it was a basilisk that was petrifying the students? Dumbledore could have easily found a better way of killing the basilisk with his help after knowing that he was a parseltongue! How come Sirius was never proven innocent by the ministry? Surely they should have used Veritaserum on him like that was used on all the other suspected criminals! How come Barty Crouch Jr. came into Hogwarts, one of the safest places in the wizarding world, probably the second after Gringotts?

After recovering from the unpleasant meeting Dominique started towards the Astronomy Tower again hoping to find Harry there. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, she ran into the Hogwarts' feared potions master.

"Sorry professor, I wasn't watching." She apologised quickly.

"Clearly," Snape nodded curtly. "But, I don't think it's in you to walk so carelessly around the hallways." Snape said; his eyes giving away a searching look.

As Snape was starting to walk away, she suddenly had a second thought to let Draco search him alone. "Sir..." she called out. "Can I talk to you for a minute, in private?" she asked as Snape turned around. Snape just nodded and went on towards his office.

"Yes, Miss. Sapphire, you were saying?" Snape said as he sat down behind his desk.

"Sir, it's about Harry. He knows everything, except about you." Dominique said in a low voice.

Snape's eyes narrowed immediately. "Explain." He said in a cold voice.

Snape just nodded curtly before getting up and walking to the door. He opened it and caught a random Gryffindor student asking him to call Harry immediately to his office.

About an hour later, when Harry came in Snape's office, he was experimenting with one of his potion, while Dominique was just sitting there and watching him. Actually, Snape was having quite a hard time with this potion. He had tried it quite a few times within last few months but never reached the required results. Harry approached Snape slowly and carefully, not wanting to get snapped at. But as he reached the table he saw that the potion that the Professor was working with, was about to explode. Just in a whim he recognized the potion and knew what to do. In a reflex, he summoned the required ingredients and carefully completed the potion. Snape was about to snap at him as he narrowed his eyes and pointed a finger at Harry. But before he could say anything, he noticed the potion settle down; so he stopped and stood there watching Harry as he worked. When Harry was finished, he was smiling and admiring his work when he realised what he just did. He froze on the spot and looked up at Snape carefully from under his lashes. He saw him, standing there with his eyes raised at him in question. He could see from the corner of his eyes, that Dominique too had an amused expression on her face.

"Um...sorry Professor, I just saw the potion was about to, sorry." Harry breathed out, knowing that whatever he told, it wasn't going to stop Snape from snapping at him.

"How did you know what the potion was? It's certainly not in the fifth year course; rather in any year at that." Snape asked, a bit of surprise in his voice.

"Um, I just happened to read a book present in the restricted section of the library, was there and...Maybe I just remember it from there?" Harry said in a careful tone. He was a bit surprised that Snape didn't snap or shout at him for interfering in his work.

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