Tom's Hogsmeade Weekend

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It was the day to go to Hogsmead. All of them were getting ready for their dates. Draco to everybody's surprise was a bit nervous about it. He was continuously muttering about her temper. Harry was just sitting on the one of the bed in their dorm and watching everybody getting ready. Then he saw a girl approaching him; it was Walburga Black.

"Hey, Harry; you are not going to Hogsmead?" she asked as she sat down in front of him.

"Maybe I'll go later," Harry shrugged.

"Um, I was just thinking that if you could go with me?" she asked a bit nervously.

A pacing Draco came to a halt and looked at Harry amusingly. There was no second thought in it that Walburga, who was basically Sirius's mother, was very beautiful. He looked at him in anticipation.

"Um, Walburga, I was not feeling to go to Hogsmead with anybody. I'm sorry I didn't want to disappoint you but—"

"Oh, I am sorry. It's totally fine you know." She said with a small smile which almost looked unreal to Harry. He saw her go out of the boys' dorm and looked at Draco. His eyes were raised in question.

"Are you straight?" he asked directly.

"What?" Harry looked around the dorm and found Tom sitting on his bed and looking at him. "Why would you ask that?"

"No, you have been rejecting every girl who is approaching you. So, I just thought that maybe you were waiting for some guy to come and ask you." Draco explained.

Just then Andrew stepped in the dorm and approached Harry. He had a feeling that he Nott was going to ask him out.

"Hey, Harry." He said nervously.

"Hi," he said peering at a smirking Draco.

"You really don't want to go to Hogsmead with anybody?"

"Look, Andrew I don't want to disappoint you all, but, I'm really not feeling to go to Hogsmead with anybody." Harry said nervously.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll just find somebody else." Andrew said and suddenly hugged Harry. Harry not knowing what to do just patted his back gently.

"What?" Draco asked after Andrew left.

"What? I told you, I don't want to go with anybody!" Harry retorted.

Draco just rolled his eyes and started getting ready. Harry peered at Tom who had resumed reading.

Harry just picked up a book and started reading; while waiting for everybody to leave.

"Hey, Harry," Harry looked up to see Dominique standing. "You really don't want to go to Hogsmead?"

"At least not now," Harry said shrugging. "Nick, I'll be fine. You go. Where's Alphard?" Harry said smiling.

"He's in the common room. We'll be in the Three Broomsticks. Come if you want to come later, okay?" Dominique said smiling.

"Okay," Harry nodded. "Have fun."

Dominique smiled and left the dorm after muttering a 'bye'. Harry lifted the book again and started reading. He knew that Tom was not the kind of person to go to Hogsmead, so he didn't ask him any question.

Tom was again curious about Harry, as to why wasn't he going to Hogsmead. Till today he's witnessed every person going to Hogsmead eagerly.

"Why aren't you going to Hogsmead?" Tom asked.

"Who said I'm not going to Hogsmead? I said that I'll go later." Harry replied looking up from the book.

Tom nodded and went back to reading his book...somewhat disappointed. He saw Harry get up from the corner of his eye and change his clothes to go to Hogsmead. But he didn't say anything; just sat there and watched him leave.

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