Boyfriends and Girlfriends

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They walked hand in hand to their special classes. When they reached there, Professor Slughorn was already present there.

"Hello Tom, hello Harry, had a good day?" he asked in a happy tone.

"We had a great day, sir." Harry said smiling.

Tom could see the irritation in his eyes. A smirk appeared on his lips. "Good evening, Professor." He greeted.

"Good evening, good evening. You are a bit early today. So, let Dominique come, before we start—"

"No need to wait for me Professor, I already here." Dominique said entering the classroom.

"Ah, that's great! You seem to be quite interested about the classes." He said in his usually happy voice.

"Of course professor, we love these classes." Dominique said smiling.

Tom was looking at the two other Slytherins in amusements. He had noticed that Dominique was a perfect Slytherin; just like he considered him to be. She was expert in putting up masks, very intimidating and a very powerful witch, with a goal.

"Very well then, let's begin with our today's lesson. Today you three will be duelling with me. So, at first, I want to call...Dominique!" Slughorn called.

Dominique got up and walked to Slughorn. She was a bit nervous. She glanced toward Harry who nodded in acknowledgement.

"Poise your wands. Ready?" Dominique nodded raising her wand.

"Okay, we'll start on count on three. One...two...three...start!" Slughorn shouted.

They immediately started throwing hexes and curses at each other. Both of them were efficiently blocking each other's curses. Dominique was hit by one or two mild hexes, telling to the experience of the old man. But she could see that his breathing was becoming heavier by each second. He was losing his stamina. After a few more minutes of throwing curses, Slughorn put up a shield.

"Wait—for a minute—I'm tired." He was breathing very heavily.

Dominique suppressed the urge to laugh out and reached the old man. She gently helped him to sit down, and backed away.

"Are you fine sir?" she asked. Harry and Tom were smirking widely. They could hear the mockery in her voice.

"Oh—yes, yes—just got a bit old." Slughorn breathed out.

Dominique nodded and turned around. She immediately rolled her eyes and muttered, "Clearly,"

She reached her bag and took out a vial.

"Here sir, you can have this. This is an energy replenishment potion. You have got two more pupils to duel with." She said handing over the glass vial to the man.

"Oh, thank you, Dominique. You are really kind." Slughorn said tipping the vial into his mouth.

"Did you give him poison?" Harry asked as she sat beside him.

"No, not yet; I just wanted him to have the taste of a real you and Tom. So, I wanted him to be in full energy." She said shrugging.

"Okay, so next is Harry's turn." They heard Slughorn announce.

Harry sighed and went up to him. He stood there, wand raised and ready to attack. As soon as Slughorn said 'start', he made the first move. But Slughorn efficiently blocked the curse.

"Quite fast, Harry. I'm impressed." As soon as he said that, he was hit with a mild hex.

"Careful, Professor, distraction can cost you your life." Harry said smirking.

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