The Happy Ending

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After Two Months

It was a Saturday night. They were all sitting in the Slytherin common room including Roxanne, Fred and George.

Harry was sitting on a couch leaning on Tom, who continuously stroked his messy hair. Fred and George sat on either side of Dmitri and Nicholas; all four holding their hands in a chain. Roxanne sat on Draco’s lap on the floor; who was in a continuous effort of putting her curly hair in a braid. Orion and Walburga were now currently dating; on their parent’s advice of course. Roxanne was told about the truth after a week of the Dumbledore incident. She obviously was surprised but accepted Draco with more love and respect after that.

“How do you manage to do your hair? It’s so good to look at; but trying to anything with it is...” Draco trailed off.

Roxanne rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I wonder why you guys don’t keep long hairs.” She said sarcastically.

“Actually we do keep long hairs; my father’s hair is quite long. But it’s easy to manage.” Draco stated.

Roxanne smirked. “Let me guess, his hair’s straight and blonde; right?”

“Yes...How do you know?” Draco asked.

“Come on, Draco; that’s obvious. As Grandfather as Father as son; your whole family seem to have the same type of hair and looks.” Harry said sniggering.

Draco pouted. “Oh not you now, Roxy!” he whined.

Everybody started sniggering at his reaction. But Harry’s smile had faltered.

“Don’t you think we should leave now?” Harry asked suddenly.

They all frowned. “Where do you want to go?” Tom asked.

Harry sighed. “Tom, I’ve been thinking about this for a week now. I think—we should—um—leave now. I mean—for h-home.” Harry stuttered nervously.

“What!” Tom stood up from the couch making Harry almost topple backwards. “You want to leave?” he asked bewildered.

“Um—look Tom, I know, you all are here—and I love you—but—we all have a family over there. They are all waiting for us—and—we can’t just live here forever leaving our families alone.” Harry tried to explain.

Tom looked at him with sad eyes and gaping mouth. The room was silent as though there was no one present there.

“Harry, you want to go back?” Dominique asked breaking the silence.

Harry sighed and nodded. “This had to come one day. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about this before Tom; I know I should have warned you. The day we came here we knew that one we would go back. I only managed to spend a day with my—pseudo- parents before this. I want to know them, and spent time with them. I want to spend time with my Godfathers.”

“Harry, if you want to go we would come with you too. You are the only family we have now.” George spoke up.

“Yes, we only came here because you were coming. We don’t want to leave you alone now; we need you now; more than you need us.” Fred said smiling.

Harry looked at his hands on his laps. “Guys, honestly I’m not forcing anyone. It’s just I want to go home; and tell my family what happened here; talk to them. You can stay back if you want. You don’t have to leave just because I’m leaving.” Harry said sighing.

“How can you even think that we’ll let you go alone?” Dominique asked a bit bewildered.

“Will anybody ask us what we want?” Dmitri spoke up. His voice was a bit hoarse.

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