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"Where in the bloody hell were you?" Dominique bellowed.

"We have been searching for you like crazy, and you are walking in as if you just had nice date with someone!" Draco shouted as well. Harry just stood there with his gaze fixed on the floor.

"And you tried to do that shit again? Dear lord Harry, you clothes are full of blood stains." George said reaching out for Harry's shirt.

"He tried to cast the killing curse on himself. So, I had to find a way to distract him from his 'kill myself' mission." Tom said shaking his head.

Shit. Harry could only think this before two hands slammed on both side of his face. He looked shocked at the two identical figures in front of him. "How dare you?" the twins growled.

Tears started forming in Harry's eyes as he was remembered of his vile and cruel relatives. "I—I'm sorry to bother you all." Harry said before running away towards the boys' dorm.

The twins' eyes widened as they realised what they had done. "Shit!" they uttered before all of them ran towards the dorm.

Harry ran to his bed and pulled the curtains. He placed several wards and silencing charms around his bed. He bounced his face into his pillow and started sobbing hard. He was all over again reminded of the torture of the Dursley's.

Draco, Dominique, Fred and George ran towards Harry's bed, followed behind shortly by Tom.

"Harry, we are sorry!" they shouted as they reached for the curtains of the bed, only to be pushed back.

"Damn, he has installed wards around the bed." Fred said punching his other palm.

"Let me check." Tom said coming in front of them. He waved his wand around the bed, but nothing happened. He sighed as he realised that Harry has used yet another self invented wards, which he didn't know how to open. "He and his inventions," Tom glared at the bed.

"Harry, come out. They are getting worried about you!" Tom called.

Dominique sighed. "Tom, it's no use. He's put a silencing charm." Dominique said.

The twins and Dominique had tears in their eyes.

"Where did you go by the way?" Draco asked.

"About that, I need to talk with you all; in private." Tom said looking around the dorm. He walked out of the dorm towards the common room.

They all frowned at each other, but followed Tom out of the dorm.

"What did you want to talk about, Tom?" Dominique asked as they all entered the common room.

Tom didn't answered, but just placed a silencing charm around the room. "Sit down," Tom gestured on the couch beside him.

"I and Harry opened the Chamber of Secrets today." Tom said calmly. They heard gasps from fellows around him.

"But—" Fred breathed out with wide eyes.

Tom just ignored his reaction and continued. "We opened the Chamber and also summoned the basilisk, but just to see it. Don't assume that I wanted to kill somebody or anything. I had ordered it back to its own place, so don't worry. And, there's another thing I need to disclose to you all." Tom said looking around him.

They were frowning but they had a tinge of relief on their faces. So, Tom continued. "I know that you all are from future."


"Calm down, listen to me." Tom said impatiently. "When I summoned the basilisk, Harry had a kind of panic attack and he revealed some information that made me suspicious. Also, I have been noticing all of your actions and found many things to be suspicious. Like you know too much about Hogwarts for a week old student and you all have been talking about saving me from something that is yet to happen; so I just summed up the incidents. Harry had told me all about you...plan. And don't worry; I won't let a word slip to Dumbledore about this." Tom finished.

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