Malfoy Manor

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One night after dinner, Harry, the Twins, Draco, Dominique, Blaise, Theo and Pansy were sitting in the library and doing their home works. The Christmas bells were high. Christmas holidays would start in three days.

"Damn, I'm not getting a thing to write about this essay. McGonagall has screwed us." Theo banged on the table they were sitting on with his fist. It spilled some ink from the ink wells lying over it.

"What are you so thumping and jumping about, Nott? You soaked my essay with ink." Harry said casting a cleansing charm on his parchment.

"I don't know what to write on this topic! The transfiguration essay McGonagall asked us to write! There's nothing in the books."

"What's the topic again?" Harry asked narrowing his eyes while thinking.

"Vanishing spells. We just did practical classes on this topic. I don't even know which book to find in." Theo whined.

"Stop whining and listen to me." Harry said and started explaining him the spell with great details; who invented it, when it was invented, the incantation, the wand movement, and every other précised details. The other students just sat there and listened to Harry with wide eyes. When he finished it, not only Theo had enough things to write in the essay, but it also cleared any doubts that others had.

"Wow, Potter; when did you get so intelligent? You never showed so much of intelligence in front of us." Blaise asked amazed.

"Neither us, Zabini; even we didn't know that our Harry is so intelligent. Hell, he's even better than Hermione." George said in an amused tone.

Harry scowled. "Had to even hide my knowledge; or that Granger would get jealous every time I get something right and she didn't."

"She's such a bitch; ewe. Even I don't get so much jealous." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"By the way, Malfoy, she's a crush on you. Actually, no, sorry; not on you; she has a crush on your arse. She just loves checking it out." Harry said keeping a straight face.

"What—ewe, is it really true? No, Potter you are joking." Draco pulled a face.

"Nope, he's not. Even I heard her calling you hot. She wasn't particularly talking about your...bum, though. But, obviously Harry will know better than me." Dominique said smirking.

"Ewe, I really need to keep a check for her from now on. I can't turn my back towards her; she's going to steal my dignity!" Draco squealed.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like a teenage girl, Malfoy. You don't roam around without your pants. And, Nick, Ron has a—I don't know what to call it—but he...lusts for you." Harry said looking at his hands on the desk.

"Clearly, I had already got an example of that. He's even worse than Granger." Dominique shuddered at the memory.

"Okay, enough of this nonsense. Now, Potter I want you to come over to Malfoy Manor this Christmas holiday. So...what do you say?" Draco asked looking at Harry expectantly.

Harry became startled at the sudden invitation. ", sure...okay, I'll come." Harry said nodding his head slightly; peering over to Fred and George.

Draco noticed his nervousness and rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, Potter. We won't poison you after inviting over a dinner. That's a too old way to kill. Besides, you can bring the twins with you if you want."

"Yeah, come over, Harry. We all will be there for the holidays. It will be fun; and you could meet your blood mother too if you want." Dominique said putting a hand on Harry's shoulder and smiling.

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