The People Who Care

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The holiday came to an end. Thought it would be wrong to say that it was a pleasurable one for Harry, being away from the Dursley's. The news he got from Gringotts, was enough to destroy the slightest happiness he got from running away from his vicious relatives. He got into severe depression; thinking that the only people he thought to be his family in the whole world were just using him. He at times thought that people would have been much happier around the world, if he wouldn't have been born. For the rest of the holiday he had cried himself to sleep each and every night. There were times had had tried just to end his miserable life. He would slice up his whole forearms and even throat just wishing that he would die this time; but in vain. He would just faint for few hours, and then suddenly wake up in the bathroom all by himself.

He didn't have to work too much on packing his trunk, as it was already half packed. When he reached the Kings Cross station, only ten minutes were left for the train to leave. He didn't try to find anybody; he just walked straight up to the train hoping to find an empty compartment. But he obviously didn't have so much of luck. Before he could find anybody he found the one—actually no, he was trying to avoid the whole world altogether, but he happened to find the one he already loathed; Draco Malfoy and his gang. Wow, what a start.

"Hi, Potter, trying to find your scar guards?" Malfoy drawled with a smirk. Harry was definitely not in a mood to tolerate him out of all people. He just gave Draco a blank look and attempted to walk away. Draco was shocked to see his swollen and bloodshot eyes. Thankfully, Harry was wearing a scarf to cover the scars on his throat; but that attracted even more attention since it was just middle of March. Draco frowned in confusion and blocked Harry's way once again.

"Potter, I think you have hit your head somewhere. It's the middle of March, why are you wearing a scarf?" he asked trying to sound least caring.

"As you guessed, I am crazy; got your answer?" Harry spoke up in blank tone. His tone was perfectly going with his eyes; hoarse and cracked. This time he pushed passed Crabbe and Goyle and went on his way to find him an empty compartment.

Draco stood there shocked. He was sure of one thing though, that he had been crying; a lot. But he couldn't make out the reason behind the scarf. He stood there for a minute, thinking about the meeting before setting off for his own compartment.

Harry had at last found an empty compartment, at the very end of the train. He sat there looking out of the window as the train had started moving in a slow pace. His cheeks were again stained, as tears rolled down from his eyes. He just sat there and thought about his state; what he had, whom he had... he had almost thought of not going back to Hogwarts again. Everyone related to it seemed to have betrayed and just used him since from his birth. He now just felt that the Dursley's were better than them. At least they didn't pretend to like him; they did what they wanted straight in front of his eyes.

He had now decided of remaining on his own the whole year, and try not to talk to anybody without compulsion. Hermione and Ron didn't come to find him the entire train ride; not that he was sad about it. He had waited for five minutes in the train after it had stopped just to avoid any familiar faces. He boarded the last carriage which only had two other people whom he didn't know. But as obviously thought Harry couldn't avoid people all the time. At the welcome feast in the Great Hall, he tried to sit far away from Hermione and Ron but fate had something else for him.

Harry sat at the farthest end of the table, when he spotted two figures approaching him. He groaned inwardly and put his head on the table.

"Harry, we thought you missed the train. Where were you?" Hermione asked in a not so concerned voice. She was more of demanding.

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