Some more Answers

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Tom stirred up at sound of the birds chirping and the heat of the sunlight on his face. As he fluttered open his eyes, his first view was Harry sleeping soundly on the bed beside him. He stood up from his bed and reached Harry's bed. His shirt was off and Tom could see the scars on his hands, which were hanging out of the cover. He frowned and had a close look at them. The scars had a pattern, it almost read...'freak'? Then he proceeded to the next set of scars. He figured out that it made up another set of letters...'whore'. It sickened him a bit. He stood up straight and walked out of the room.

His teeth gritted automatically in hatred for the muggles Harry lived with. He too lived with muggles, they too teased and taunted him; but they had never tried to hurt him physically. They didn't torture him. For once again the same question arrived in his mind; did Dumbledore really wanted to kill him? Did Dumbledore really use Harry for his own advantage? As he walked through the hallways, a large figure appeared in his view. He looked up from his feet to find Dumbledore walking in his way.

"Good morning, Tom. Up so early?" Dumbledore asked in his polite voice.

"Good morning, Professor. I was just thinking about something." Tom said giving his cheerful smile to him.

"Ah, as usual. Always something or the other going on in that intelligent brain of yours, isn't it? Anyway, I wanted to talk about something to you; something important."

Tom's ears perked up, reflexively. He has heard a lot against the old man to completely trust him right now. His mind started working at its usual high speed.

"Yes, Professor," Tom said without faltering his smile.

"Well, I was thinking about the place I have mentioned to you a few weeks ago. Now, that you know that Mr. Potter can speak parseltongue, which I don't know how, you have to make your way there a bit faster. Or other students may steal the golden opportunity." Dumbledore said with a smile; his eyes glinting with an evil smirk.

Tom's eyes narrowed. "Professor, can you tell me something more about the chamber? What is so special about the chamber?" Tom asked cautiously.

"I myself don't know, dear boy. You need to open it to know about the place." Dumbledore said nodding and smiling.

Tom didn't have to ask anymore to know how much eager Dumbledore was to open the Chamber of Secrets. He just nodded and smiled. "Of course, sir," Tom added.

As soon as Dumbledore left, he ran back to his dorm. The only person that can and will answer his questions is Harry Potter.

When he entered the dorm, Harry was still sleeping. He hesitated for a bit before shaking him up.

Harry woke up with a start. He got up on his elbows and looked around frantically owlishly. When he spotted the blurry figure beside his bed, he rubbed his eyes to wipe off the sleep from his eyes. He couldn't pin point the person. He stretched to his side and reached for his glasses on the bedside table. His muscles were still feeling a bit weak from the sudden wake. As he went to pick up his glasses, he accidentally knocked it from the table.

"Damn," Harry muttered.

"I'll get it." Tom said bending and picking up his glasses. He put the glasses on Harry's nose for him.

"Thank you," Harry nodded, smiling.

"Sorry, I woke you up, but I had to ask you something." Tom started.

"It's okay; what did you have to ask?" Harry asked frowning.

"Harry, what do you exactly know about the Chamber of Secrets?" Tom asked.

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