Special Classes

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The next day, Harry and Dominique were going towards the Great Hall. Draco was already there so it was just them. Their housemates had thought that they wanted to some after bed moment, so they have left them alone. But they were not that lucky to be left alone entirely. As they were going, they were stopped by some Gryffindors. They didn't recognize them, but they instantly understood what they were up to.

"What Potter, already got a girlfriend?" a brown haired boy asked.

Dominique and Harry rolled their eyes. "Do I really look more like your girlfriend than sister?" Dominique whispered in Harry's ears.

"What do you want?" Harry asked aloud to the boy.

"Never saw a Potter in Slytherin; filthy scum of the family." Another boy with black hair spoke up.

"How dare you; you lowly Gryffindor?!" Dominique growled dangerously and instantly pointed her wand at the group.

Within a second everybody had their wands out in the group, and pointed at the two students.

"Who are you other than his girlfriend?" the previous boy asked.

"Oh, don't worry I was just thinking of showing you who I am." She said and shot a well aimed hex at him. The boy yelped in pain and that was the start.

The Gryffindors started shooting hexes and curses at them, but both Harry and Dominique dodged and block every curse and hex efficiently. Just then they could see Tom arrive from behind the group. He just stood there and watched as both the Slytherins duelled with the Gryffindors. There were five Gryffindors in total. They had the Slytherins encircled, and were continuously trying to hit them with their curses; but were failing. Suddenly a curse hit Harry's shoulder, and he almost fell down. The boy, who had thrown the curse, smirked at him admiring his action. Harry took this chance to pull his wand back and throw a particularly dark curse at the boy, which made him drop to the floor in pain before going unconscious. Harry didn't know what curse it was, because he didn't even think of any incantation. He just threw it.

The other boys in the group immediately stopped and shifted their attention to the now unconscious boy.

"Stupid arses," Harry groaned in pain. He looked at his shoulder and recognized what was the curse; rather it was a charm. The boy had used a weak fire charm which had burned his flesh to the bone. His shoulder was oozing blood from the burn; staining his shirt.

They looked over to Tom who was standing there with bit of surprise in his face. When he caught their eyes, he walked up to them in a steady but mild pace.

"You need to go to the infirmary. Your hand is not in a good condition." He said looking at Harry's shoulder.

"No need, I have a healing potion in my bag. It'll heal it instantly."Dominique stated and searched for the potion in her bag.

"What kind of healing potion can heal this burn in an instant?" Tom said sternly.

"You may be the most intelligent boy in the world, but it seems that you are not better than me in potions." Dominique said taking out a vile from her bag and handing it to Harry. "Drink it, it'll heal it. I have made it the day before coming here."

Harry emptied the vile in his mouth and flinched at the horrible taste. "What is this, poison? It tastes horrible!" Harry gagged.

"Not every good thing tastes good, b—boyfriend." Dominique said smiling.

Harry felt the pain in his shoulder get numb. He looked at the burn to see it disappearing. Within a second his arm was as good as before. Tom looked at Harry's arm in surprise.

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