Chamber of Secrets

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"So...this is the place?" Tom asked turning to Harry. Harry didn't reply. Tom saw Harry was looking around the place nervously. He could see his chest rising and falling because of his heavy breathing. "Harry?" Tom called again.

"Yeah...?" Harry snapped up.

Tom took a careful look at the boy. His skin was glistening in the low light of their wands, making the sweat prominent. "Are you okay?" Tom asked carefully.

"Yeah..." Harry answered nodding. He still didn't look Tom in the eyes. He was looking around him with wide eyes.

"Harry, I know I promised, but...can I summon the basilisk? I mean I just want to see the creature. I promise I won't let it out of the chamber." Tom said a bit nervously.

Harry snapped around hearing Tom. His eyes were wide were wide. Tom looked him into the eyes. It had a tinge of fear in them. "What..." Harry breathed out.

"Uh, I was saying if I could just see the creature for once. I know I promised that I would not summon it...but..." Tom asked carefully reading Harry's expression.

Without replying, Harry took out the sorting hat from under his jumper. Tom followed his actions with wide eyes, as Harry took out a long sword from inside the hat. Honestly, he was mesmerized as to how a Slytherin could really take out the Gryffindor sword from the sorting hat. This was the time; he accepted everything as a fact, which he had heard that night. Everything; that Harry was in Gryffindor before; he was used by Dumbledore for some reason and every other things he had happened to hear accidentally.

"O-okay, fine..."Harry said a bit nervously. He clutched the sword tightly in his hand and waited for the monster to arrive. His breathing was getting heavier by the second and his heart was thumping against his ribs.

Tom had a last look at Harry. "Speak to me Slytherin, the greatest four of Hogwarts! Show yourself!" Tom hissed.

Something in Harry snapped. This was the same way Voldemort had summoned the basilisk before. He looked at Tom; he had the same face; even the same expression. The next second he heard the hissing sound coming from the enormous statue. His eyes were wide and his face was dripping with sweat. He watched with fearful eyes as the humongous snake slithered out of the statue. He couldn't take its eyes off the monster.

"Harry, look away," Tom shouted. Harry didn't budge; he just kept staring at the approaching serpentine. Tom ran to him and quickly covered his eyes from behind. "Harry, what are you doing?" he asked surprised.

"Get away from me." Harry said in a low voice.

Tom frowned. "What?"

"I said; get away from me, Voldemort!" Harry shouted pushing Tom away from him.

Tom's eyes went wide. "What did you call me?" he asked slowly.

"What, you forgot your name? Don't act dumb. I'm not letting you kill any of my friends. You couldn't kill them the last time, and I'm not letting you kill them this time either!" Harry said in a loud voice.

"What are you talking about, Harry?" Tom asked.

"I'm not letting you kill my parents this time. I'll kill you before you kill them!" Harry sated with fury in his eyes.

Tom frowned in confusion; but he decided to do something before he went to Harry. He turned to the snake. "Go back from where you have come. Go back." He hissed looking at the snake. He followed as the snake slithered into the statue again. After the snake had disappeared from their view, he turned to Harry. He saw him fuming with rage and anger in his eyes. He walked to him.

When the Two Ends Meet// TomarryWhere stories live. Discover now