Encounter with the Devil

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Tom Riddle was in a very happy mood right now. Finally, the term break was over and he could go back to his home now; he could go back to Hogwarts. It was his fifth year. When he entered the station, quite a few minutes were left for the train to go. But as usual, he walked straight towards the train, sporting a dazzling smile to anyone who waved at him, as he wanted an empty compartment. It's not like he wanted to; he would probably have ignored them, if it was the time to board the train to go back to the orphanage. But as he was about to get up, a hand reached out from his side and grabbled the door handle before him. He looked at the way the hand came from, to see a raven haired boy with round glasses. The boy pushed passed him and got up. But even after him, he couldn't get up. This time a girl with brown hair did the same thing. Gradually, three more students copied the previous' actions. The last two students looked oddly familiar; they were twins, with red hairs and freckles. Tom concluded them to be Weasleys. He just stood there and watched the group with narrowed eyes. The first two of them had a peculiar smug expression on their faces. The twins and the boy with blonde hair, who weirdly looked a lot like Abraxas Malfoy, just glanced at him blankly and moved on. He stared at them for another second, before getting up on the train.

The train ride wasn't that eventful. As usual, he sat alone in a compartment and looked out of the window, looking at the houses and trees flying past.

When they reached the castle, Harry, Dominique, Draco, Fred and George were taken to the Great Hall; by none other than Albus Dumbledore. He looked a bit awkward with his not so white hair and beard. But, even then, he had that twinkle in his eyes, which could fool so many people. Harry, Dominique and Draco, quickly pulled up their occlumentic shields, and also covered Fred and George. They didn't trust Dumbledore one bit. As they entered, the headmaster Dippet started speaking.

"Good morning, students of Hogwarts. This year, we have three fifth year, and two seventh year new students. At first they will be sorted, and then the first year students will be sorted. Professor Dumbledore, please announce the name of the students and start the sorting."

"Dominique Sapphire." Dumbledore called.

Dominique glanced at Dumbledore before walking toward the stool place in the middle of the Great Hall and sitting down. As soon as the hat touched her hair, it shouted, "Slytherin!" Dominique smiled at the rest of the grouped and proudly walked to her table. As she reached it, she saw everybody, especially boys, staring at her. She was actually used to this; so didn't pay so much of heed to it. She just walked over to an empty seat and sat down. She looked to her sides, to see a particular black haired boy smiling at her. She tilted her head in confusion.

"Hi, I'm Alphard Black." The boy said holding out a hand to her.

"Hello, I'm Dominique Sapphire." She said smiling a bit in recognition.

"Hello, I'm Tom Riddle." Tom smiled his most charming smile that would have made every girl or boy flattered.

"Oh, hi; it's nice to meet you." Dominique said smiling dismissively. Tom just nodded and turned away, a bit cocked up.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called.

Harry nervously sat on the chair; he was a bit confused which house he will be sorted in. But he was relieved that at least Dominique was near Tom already. The hat was placed on his head.

Hello, Harry Potter, welcome to Hogwarts. It seems that you are specifically here for a mission. You already have an ambition. And you obviously will gain success there, than in any other house. So, you better be in—"Slytherin!" the sorting hat shouted. The Slytherins Table cheered up. Harry sat there for a moment assessing what did just happen. It was not like he was sad or anything, but he didn't thought of being sorted into Slytherin without even thinking twice. He shrugged inwardly and got up from the stool. He gave a quick smirk toward the remaining three members and went on to sit on his newly appointed table. Eventually, Draco too was sorted into Slytherin and the twins were sorted into Gryffindor. Harry saw who he was sitting beside. On left there was a man sitting who looked exactly like young Sirius Black. He got a bit startled at first.

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