Answers to some Questions

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They all went to the common room with heavy hearts. Dominique was sitting on the couch. She couldn't sleep. Draco sat beside her and tried to calm her down. Tom too was present there in hope that they will reveal something about what Dominique had said him previously.

"Nick, he'll be fine." Draco told her.

Dominique shook her head. "You don't understand, Draco. He'll never be completely healed from heart. He was raped and abused; for bloody fifteen years. I wish Lily and James were alive. They would never allow those filthy muggles to even touch him." Dominique cried silently.

"Nick, listen to me, your brother will be fine. He's a very strong person. And I swear that old bastard will pay for it. He can never get away with so much crime." Draco growled.

Tom's head snapped up. "Potter is your brother?" he asked.

"Yes," Dominique said shortly.

"Then what was he doing with the muggles?" Tom asked.

Dominique didn't answer. She just took out her packet of cigarettes from her pocket and lit one. "Tom, please stay quite right now. I'm very tired." Dominique said taking a puff from the cigarette.

The rest of the night went on like this. The three students sat there quietly. Dominique tried to drown herself in the smoke of the cigarettes. Draco had tried stopping her but she wouldn't listen. And Tom just sat there in hope that they will speak about something that would help him to know more about them.

The next morning was a Sunday, so they didn't have classes. Dominique and Draco left for the hospital wing in the morning. When they reached there, they saw that Tom was already standing there.

"Tom, what are you doing here?" Dominique sighed.

"I need some answers." Tom said.

"Tom, I'm not telling anything about Harry." Dominique refused shaking her head.

"Not about him, about me. What do you know about me?" Tom asked turning to Dominique.

"What do you want to know?" Harry spoke up.

Dominique and Draco ran toward his bed, as soon as they heard his voice. "I am fine Nick." Harry said smiling.

Tom snapped around hearing his voice. He walked near to his bed. "Everything you know about me. What did Sapphire mean by save your life? Who wants to kill me?" Tom said.

Harry looked at him for a moment before casting a silencing charm wandlessly. "Albus Dumbledore," Harry said without any hesitation.

Tom frowned. "Albus Dumbledore? Do you have any special reason for thinking so? He's just providing us with knowledge."

Harry laughed. "You call it knowledge? Tell me when are you going to use the piece of knowledge that Slughorn gave you last night about horcruxes?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

"You don't gain knowledge to always use them." Tom said blankly.

Harry stared at him. "Tom, tell me, did you learn about boggart in your third year? Did you have a practical class on that?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"What was your boggart, Riddle?" Harry asked looking at Tom knowingly.

Tom didn't answer, he just stared at him. "And from when did this special classes start?" Harry asked again.

Tom's eyes widened for a second before going blank once again. "How do you know so much?"

Before Harry could answer, the doors of the hospital wings opened and the twins stepped inside. They immediately went to Harry's bed after seeing that he was awake. "Hey, brother, how you doing?" they asked in unison.

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