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The silence in the kitchen was welcomed by Louis, it meant that he was alone and free to temporarily ignore all the chores his Mother pushed onto him for the day.

The steady beat of the ammunition in the distance somehow allowed for him to relax at the familiar sound.

Louis leaned against the sink and stared out the window. The view of grey fumes being released into the over-casted sky by factories was tinted by the ash that coated the window.

Louis never remembered a time when Carthe wasn't anything else but a mixture of dull grey tones. Even the habitants eventually became stained by the grey smog that polluted the city; there was no one in the city left with any color.

Louis was an exception to that.

His Mother kept him safe in the house, away from the prying eyes of the soldiers and away from anything that could potentially provide him entertainment.

Carthe was mostly populated by training army alphas and coal miners, the former of the two being the more frequent customers. So with strong alphas strolling around the streets it was no surprise as to why Louis' Mother didn't want him outside, but that didn't suppress Louis' itching urge to be outdoors.

Louis had only successfully escaped the confines of the brothel once when he was eight, and that resulted in him being escorted back to his home by two soldiers. When his Mother got her hands on him she gave him the beating of a life time (he still had a scar on the inside of his lip to prove it.)

The charcoal colored wind was near impossible to scrub off of his skin with the cheap soap they had, and already got into the fibers of his hair, staining it a deep black. His skin was left a pale grey after the incident -which was nowhere near as severe as the deep tones left on those who spent all of their days outside- but it was his eyes that maintained their ocean colored blue.

A gentle tap on the door frame brought Louis back from his daydream, his muscles tended as he suddenly busied himself in cleaning the dishes.

"It's just me, Lou. Don't worry." Lottie's chuckle made Louis relax and turn around to gently smile at his sister.

Louis looked into Lottie's pleading light grey eyes and instantly knew that she was going to continue pressing her argument towards him not going to the election.


Louis rolled his eyes in anticipation. "No Lottie."

"But Louis-"

"I'm not going! Tomorrow I have a very busy day, and I don't have time to waltz around the city pretending that I'm something I'm not. I'm not a royal, so I'm not going to ignore my duties here just to be told something that I already know," Louis ranted, vigorously cleaning a plate. "Now get ready for bed, I'm waking you up early."

Louis didn't have to see his sister to know the face that she was making, he had known her too well. She was frowning with her bottom lip jutted out ever so slight, her eyes cast down, and her arms wrapped around herself.

He sighed at the way she made him stress, he didn't want to raise his voice at her but he knew it was the only way to get her to stop insisting.

Louis glanced out the window. The brothel was placed at the edge of one of the many mountains that surrounded the city, so the view of King's secondary palace was in perfect view.

Me, the Luna? Louis shook his head at the ridiculous  implication of it all. I'm no more fit to be the Queen than the scum off of the Prince's shoe.

A certain traveling speck of light along the palace road caught the Omega's attention, making his lips twitch up into a smile. Maybe that's the Prince of Carthe, coming to choose a stupid Omega himself?

Louis rolled his eyes at the thought of some strong and perfect Alpha running to rescue a defenseless Omega, as if that was what every Omega dreamed and hoped for.

Despite the biological differences that would stop him from doing so, Louis so badly wanted to be a solider. He yearned to be able to protect himself and his sisters from harm, instead of them having to protect him just because he was cursed to be weaker.

Louis glared at the speck of light as it entered past the high palace walls, which protected all of the blue blooded royals from the harsh realities of life. Fucking pussies.

Little did Louis know, that the carriage he was thinking about so much was in fact carrying the Prince of Carthe: who was too busy glaring up at the dark sky above and cursing everything for having to leave the comfortable confines of his castle. Fucking whores.

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