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"Sir, please stay still."

"Well if you'd stop trying to fucking molest me, I wouldn't have a problem!" Louis snapped. He was focused on dodging the hands of the maids, making the bubbles and water of the tub splash around the edges of the granite bathtub.

"Sir! I-If you don't allow us to do our job, we're going to have to call the Prince in here," the maid threatened, wiping the sweat off of her forehead with her sleeve and sighing in frustration.

"Call him in! Call everyone you want in! Let's just have the whole bathroom full of fucking people while I'm trying to bathe myself!"

"Please, Sir. Let us help, it's our job," the shorter maid mumbled, just loud enough for Louis to hear.

Louis stopping squirming and glared at the two women from his spot against the cold wall of the tub, wiping the bubbles that managed to land on his cheek. "I don't need to wash my hair."

"Yes you do, Sir. The Prince requested for you to be cleaned completely, that means your hair too," the larger maid tried to reason, slowly moving to grab the bottle of shampoo.

"Well can't I just do it myself? I won't tell Edward that you guys didn't do it," Louis huffed, uncomfortable that they were still I'm the room while he was bathing.

The two maids looked at each other and sighed.

"We will wash your hair. You can wash your body. Come on we're almost done."

Louis looked between the two. They both wore their hair in tight low buns, and had the same brown dresses with aprons over, but their appearances couldn't be more different. One was averagely sized in height while the other was a good foot shorter. One had straight deep-brown hair while the other had platinum blonde locks that tried to escape the confines of the bun. One was more heavy set, while the other was thin. One looked to be around 70, while the other seemed to be at least 40.

"Please, Sir. You need to be ready," the brunette pleaded, looking at Louis with her big light-green eyes.

Louis set his mouth into a straight line before sighing and hesitantly wading back to the other side of the tub, leaning against the side closest to the maids and giving them his back. "Call me Louis."

"Well then you can call me Deliah, and this is Candice," she said, gesturing towards the petite blonde maid next to her and sending Louis a soft smile when he turned around.

"You guys aren't from around here are you?" Louis asked to fill the silence, shutting his eyes once he felt the cold shampoo being poured onto his head.

"No, Sir Louis. W-We're from Velora," Candice said, adding more pomegranate scented bubble mixture into the bath.

Louis furrowed his brows at that and took a deep inhale, trying to smell out if they were Omegas but he couldn't put a name to their unfamiliar scents. "Velora? Wow, your parents must be very lucky. What do they do?"

Louis couldn't see the look that the two exchanged behind his back, so he continued to ask questions. "I heard that everyone who lives in Velora is very talented, and they're asked personally to live there by the King so they can provide him with the best at all times. Is that true?"

"Yes, Sir Louis. I-It's true, but our parents aren't very talented," Candice admitted.

"Well, how did you two end up Velora then?" Louis wanted to look back and make eye contact with them, but Deliah was scrubbing at his scalp and it felt too good to turn away.

"It's... a long story," Deliah said, picking up a bucket of water and pouring it gently onto Louis' head.

The white soap suds were tinted black once they came into contact with Louis' hair, causing Candice and Deliah clean his hair three more times before the suds kept its pure color.

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