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After calming Louis down enough to get him sitting down again (and not trying to run away) Deliah and Candice got him ready in silence.

It was when Candice had just finished styling Louis' hair when he carefully asked. "So... you're not going to kill me then?"

"No, we're not going to kill you, Sir Louis," Deliah promised, picking up perfectly folded clothes from the counter.

Louis glanced at his reflection in the mirror, he almost couldn't recognize himself. His skin appeared to be a golden brown, trailing everywhere his eyes could see with the towel wrapped around himself. His hair was the soft tousled shade of honey, and when he looked at his eyes he almost figured they would be golden themselves. But It was his eyes that made him recognizable to himself, the color of forget me nots and photos he had once seen of the sky.

Louis only looked away from the mirror when Candice unfolded the amber embellished dress.

"Stand up please, Sir Louis."

"You're telling me this dress is for me?" Louis gawked at the intricate stitching of the marigold cloth. "I-I'm not a girl though, I don't wear dresses."

"Well that's preposterous!" Deliah guided Louis towards the gown, shaking her head. "It's only fitting for the future Luna to be dressed as the part. Now put this dress on."


"No buts until your's gets into this dress, Sir Louis."

Louis huffed and decided to stop fighting the inevitable, dropping the towel and quickly stepping into the dress. "Can I get some underwear?"

Deliah and Candice both worked to pull and tighten the dress around Louis' frame, too concentrated to respond. Louis looked back at the mirror, his eyes trailing down the dress.

The gown was hanging off the ends off of his shoulder, draping the open hanging sleeves almost to his thighs. The fabric concealed his chest and fell straight down to the floor, with the train trailing a foot behind him. The dress itself was as beautiful as the castle, Louis hypothesized that it could be as expensive as well.

Once he felt the hand's of his maids move off of him, he brought his attention to them as they stepped back to look at him completely. He blushed under their proud stares.

"Oh you're definitely going to be elected looking like this Sir," Deliah grinned.

Louis glanced away, the crimson tint not dissipating. "Can I get some underwear please?"

"The Prince didn't give us any," Candice finally spoke up gently, motioning for Louis to sit back down before turning away to pick up pair of golden gladiator sandals.

Louis rolled his eyes at the Prince but sighed anyway at the concept of rest from the relatively heavy gown, sitting back down onto the chair.

"For goodness sake, Sir! You must be careful when you sit, you'll wrinkle your dress," Deliah scolded, holding the luxurious fabric while Louis slowly sat down.

"Sorry, I'm not used to wearing fancy clothes," Louis huffed, leaning his head back against the chair and lifting up a foot when Deliah carefully moved the fabric to the side. "You know I can put shoes on by myself?"

"It's my job to assist you, Sir Louis. Your life is soon to have many things to be stressed about, I am here to make your life just a little bit easier." Deliah took her attention away from tying the straps off into little knots, to look up at Louis and smile gently.

"Why do I even need to wear all of this? It's all very unnecessary, I'm going to be sent home anyway," Louis grumbled, running his fingers along the silk of his inner sleeves.

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