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The city of Velora was built upon layers and layers of land with different elevations. The overwhelming structure of seemingly infinite space surrounded the main spectacle of the city: the castle.

Louis had to force himself to stop staring at the stories of developments when he began to bump into people as result.

He really couldn't help it thought, Velora was so efficiently made. The bottom level covered as far out as Louis could see, and every raised platform above that one decreased in size, until the tallest one became the entrance to the hypnotizing castle.

Louis desperately wanted to run over and look over the edge to see each of the sectors under him, but he didn't want to leave Edward in the unfamiliar settling.

He would catch himself staring at the beautiful habitants of Velora. The different scents distracted the omega temporarily before their beautiful clothing stole his attention. Even though they all went out of their way to ignore him -some even going through the lengths of glaring when he got in their way- Louis still wanted to meet each and every one of them. He wanted to know everything: what their favorite food places were, what their favorite part of Velora was. He hoped one day he would be able to know Velora well enough to be able to answer those questions for himself.

But for now, the omega just settled on containing his excitement and pulling the black velvet hood over his head in the attempt to hide his face. "Won't you get into trouble for this?"

"If you continue to worry about that, you won't have much fun." Edward pulled Louis' hood away. "Now stop trying to hide yourself, none of these people know how you look like."

"What about you-"

Edward pulled Louis quickly into an alley way and pinned him against the surprisingly clean brick wall. "We will just have to be careful."

Louis was about to push the man off, when he glanced at the side walk and noticed the royal guards passing by. "How did you notice those soldiers?"

Edward followed Louis' line of sight and pulled his own hood on. "When I'm with you I must be aware of my surroundings to keep you safe. If you were to get hurt it would be my fault."


Edward moved away from the omega once he knew the guards were far away enough -despite thoroughly not wanting to do so- and adjusted his cloak. "Do I have to remind you that you are my mate? I must protect you from everything."

Louis made a face at the change in topic and looked out at the exit of the alley. There was a whole city that he wanted to become acquainted with, and yet he was in an alleyway discussing being mates with the future king. He didn't know how to get out of the conversation. Thankfully, the sight of a store across the street caught his attention. "That's looks fun. Let's go be fun." Louis grabbed onto Edward's arm and dragged the alpha towards the shop.

"Louis!" Edward chastised, easily stopping the boy from walking in front of a speeding mozerati. "You cannot just jump into the street unless you are looking forward to getting ran over."

The scene didn't attract anyone's attention though, all of the people that were walking didn't even glance over at the potential accident; those who did glance were only partially interested in the overwhelmingly powerful scent that Edward radiated.

"What was that?" Louis looked down the street at the departing vehicle. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

"Sometimes I forget you have been- sheltered." Edward sighed in relief at his reflexes and loosened his hold around the boy's tiny body. "That was a car."

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