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Edward ran until his legs became numb to the soreness; he didn't look back; he didn't hesitate.

Despite the futile commands to stop by the royal guards, the Prince just held onto his mate with everything he had, and continued onward. Which brought Edward to his situation.

"Move the fuck out of the way," Edward growled, shoving the betas to the side when they didn't respond quickly enough. Eventually the pedestrians of Velora learned to step out of the way of the angry, running alpha.

"Sorry!" Louis apologized to the men over Edward's shoulder when he realized the Prince would not do so himself. "Edward, you have to be careful! You can't just- oh my god." Louis had to burry his face into the man's shirt when he saw the tables ahead of them.

Edward examined the situation. There was no other way to pass through the mess of chairs and tables.

He held onto Louis tighter.

Louis gripped onto his shoulders.

The alpha jumped onto an empty picnic table and ran down the surface of it. The screams of confusion did not make him run any slower, as he jumped from table to table -regardless of plates of food being on them or not- until the expanse of the outdoor restaurant ended.

Louis peeked over Edward's shoulder, shouting a quick and remorseful apology before whipping his head back to face forward. "You were not very careful just then!"

"I cannot act carefully, and escape highly trained royal guards at the same time," Edward snapped, turning sharply around a corner and again into a narrow alley.

"You can if you actually try," Louis quipped, looking around the unsettlingly clean alley way. "Do you know where you're going?"

"I have had my whole life to become acquainted with Velora; yes, I know where I'm going." Edward ran out the other side of the alley, and pushed his legs to move faster when he heard the threatening shouts become more and more distant.

Edward looked around the area. Once he became familiar with where they were, the alpha sprinted down the pristine side walk into another alley.

"Where are you taking me now?" Louis questioned in a mumble, glancing up at the countless stories of land above them.

"Home. We must get there before my brother." Edward glanced over his shoulder before walking deeper into the alley. "If we don't we may be in a bit of a dilemma."

"Why?" Louis sat up, his interest has peaked.

Edward turned around a corner, stopping in front of a sleek metal door. "I may or may not have been specifically told not to take you out of the castle by myself." The Prince set Louis down on the floor. "If my brother gets to the castle before we do and sees that we are not there, my Mother will not be exactly forgiving." Edward took a ring of keys out of his pocket, using one to unlock the door.

"Well I didn't know anything of that. Why would I get in trouble?" Louis asked with concern, frowning when Edward led him into the dark corridor past the metal door.

Edward walked into the pitch black and quickly shut the heavy door behind himself, effectively leaving them in darkness.


Louis let out a startled gasp when he saw Edward holding a torch closer than he had imagined. "You scared me- where did you get that?"

"Don't worry about it." Edward placed a large hand on the small of Louis' back and led the boy to walk beside him. "And as for you getting into trouble, you wouldn't be punished... directly, in a sense."

Louis furrowed his brows and looked at Edward's dimly lit profile. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I wouldn't be able to be with you as often, and that's punishment enough for the both of us." Edward picked up his pace, turning, and walking along the twisting hallways with ease.

Louis rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

"Is that not something that would upset you, Omega?" Edward asked with a teasing smirk.

"It's bold of you to assume that would be a punishment for me."

Edward chuckled at that and continued along his memorized path back to the castle.

It had been 10 minutes of silence.

"Do you know how many omegas your brothers have brought along?"

Edward glanced down at Louis, subconsciously pulling the boy closer to him. "No."

Louis sighed at the dry answer, turning away to look at the darkness before them.

"That won't matter anyway, they could each bring a thousand Omegas with them; once they see you, they will send them all back home," Edward mumbled, somehow with confidence.

That made the boy curious. "Would that be allowed? Isn't there a process to choose the Luna?"

"There may be a process." Edward stopped before the shape of a crooked door. "But I have found our mate, and that is unprecedented."

"So what does that mean?"

Edward hung up the torch beside his cloak and looked back at the omega. "That means we don't have to go through a stupid process to find an omega, as I have found the omega; you are the only one that will ever be worthy."

Louis was glad when Edward looked back at the door. His ears were hot, and although he couldn't see himself, he knew he was blushing. Louis knew he would never completely grasp how Edward felt about him. He knew it would be best for Edward's brothers to not feel the same way, so he could return home and care for his sisters. However, deep down Louis knew that was unlikely to happen.

The light that poured into the hallway after Edward opened the door made Louis wince.

"Now, lets get you back to your room, Omega."

Louis followed after the Prince when he grabbed Louis' hand. It took Louis a couple of seconds, but by the time that his eyes adjusted he gasped at the scene before him.

An alpha stood before them, he appeared to have been waiting for their arrival. The man was quite clearly the definition of an alpha. With a tall stature molded by muscles, and blue eyes to contrast his tanned skin, the man looked like a God.

The stranger cleared his throat.

But Louis knew the man was one God that he could not have, nor did he want to have him.

"Good evening, your brother is awaiting your presence in his bedroom. It's best if you don't leave him waiting for too long."

Edward huffed and wrapped an arm around Louis' waist. "Tell my brother, that he can shove-"

"Edward" Louis interrupted the man, glaring up at him pointedly. "If you don't go, you'll get yourself into more trouble."

If it had been any other person to interrupt him, they would have gotten slapped, but Edward couldn't bring himself to even frown at the sight of Louis' cute little face. "Fine."

The stranger examined the situation, before walking away once he was sure that the Prince would follow his instruction.

The alpha smiled softly at the harmless bickering between the small boy, and the alpha that he knew so well. Before he turned the corner, the alpha said over his shoulder, "good to see you again, Prince Edward."

Edward sighed when he realized it was too late to back out of visiting his brother. The omega really had him wrapped around his finger.

"Nice to see you too, Reese."

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