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Lottie didn't speak to Louis when he woke her up, she didn't speak to him during breakfast either. It was clear that her approach to letting her anger towards Louis show was through ignoring him.

At first Louis didn't mind it, he was just mad at Lottie for not wanting to talk to him, but then the silence in the house made him feel guilty for being the cause of his sister's annoyance.

While she was clearing the dining table of the dirty plates, Louis called her name gently once he was sure that his Mother wasn't in the room. Lottie's indifference made her brother frown.

"Does it bother you that much I'm not going? Lottie, it's genuinely not-"

"Shut up, Louis! I don't care anymore what you do!" Lottie brought in the tower of plates into the kitchen, shooting a glare at Louis. "The point is, you shut me down and yelled at me when I was just trying to make you see what a good opportunity you have. But no, you have to come along like you know everything and make me shut up."

Louis followed after his sister with his arms crossed. "Okay, I know. It wasn't right of me to lash out on you-"

"No. That's the thing, you say you're sorry but we both know you'll do it again," Lottie huffed, "you always do the same thing, coincidentally to those who care about you the most."

"...I'm sorry." Louis straightened out his apron, glancing up at Lottie from the floor.

After a couple beats of silence Lottie sighed, setting the plates in the sink, her gaze softening at the sight of her adorable older brother. "It's okay... I suppose I shouldn't have kept pushing for you to go. I'm sorry too."

Louis smiled softly at that. They constantly fought but somehow always ended up with them putting their prides aside and apologizing.

"Oh," Lottie mumbled, her eyes swimming in guilt, she cleared her throat and took a bottle of pills from her pocket, "And you should take your suppressants before Mom pitches a fit."

"So you were the one who hid them?" Louis smirked and shook his head, "You're crazy."

"And you're annoying." Lottie set the bottle in Louis' hand, smiling. "You should really learn to hide these better."

Louis opened the bottle and swallowed a pill before speaking up, "I wouldn't have to hide them if you didn't steal them every time we got into a fight."

Lottie shrugged and hopped up to sit on the wooden counter. "It's the only object that you actually care about."

"Well yeah, Mom would have a shit attack if I-"

"That doesn't sound like the way an nice little Omega should speak."

Louis and Lottie whipped their heads to the crooked door frame.

"Alphas aren't supposed to be back here you know." Lottie crossed her arms.

"Well excuse me for checking in on my favorite little pups."

"Piss off, Joaquin. If my Mom sees you here while we're supposed to be cleaning, she'll get us all into trouble." Louis sighed at the Alpha's disregard of his words, watching the man walk into the kitchen with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I'm not scared of Jay, she's the one who let me in, gave me a hug and everything," Joaquin said with a smile, sitting on a stool and brushing his black hair out of his grey eyes.

"Oh really?" Lottie asked sarcastically, putting her black hair into a bun and busying herself with cleaning the dishes in fear of her mother coming into the kitchen.

"Yup really. I just told her I wanted to spend some quality time with my bitches and she told me you guys were here."

Louis and Lottie looked at each other and sighed, actually considering that Joaquin was telling the truth.

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