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Business was normal until four o'clock, precisely the time that the election ended. After then, royal guards and soldiers alike packed up the living room to the point of discomfort. It got to the point where Louis had to light more candles to save himself from the overwhelming scent of testosterone. Eventually, the hoards of Alphas were all accounted for and left.

That time passed by very slowly for Louis, the whole time he was worrying about Lottie and her safety.

Louis was just about to start closing up when the familiar jingle of the bell, signaling more customers, alerted him. He sighed and looked up at the three men before him, trying not to seem as effected as he was by their scents.

"What can I do for you?" Louis managed to ask, he wasn't ever this stunned by a scent before, but it radiated with so much power and reeked of superiority. Nevertheless, he managed to keep a calm face.

"Well I'm hoping to do you."

Louis looked to the one speaking and frowned. The Alpha was smirking like he had just said the most creative line in the world.

Based on the man's outfit he was wealthy, Louis wanted to guess that he had never been rejected before in his life.

"Sorry to inform you, but I don't work here. My mother owns the brothel," Louis informed, trying his hardest not to give the Alpha too much attitude. He still couldn't find out which one of the three had the captivating scent, and he didn't want to push his luck only to find the dipshit in front of him to be the owner of the dominating fragrance.

"Well your Mother is wasting a fine investment... I'd like to speak to her. Call her down for me, Omega"

Louis held back a scoff and called his Mother. Through the silent wait for his Mother, Louis looked at the alphas that had yet to talk. There was one on each side of the obnoxious Alpha, looking straight ahead with no emotion on their serious faces. They wore navy blue uniforms that Louis didn't recognize and had their hair both cut in the same short style.

How did these guys end up with Mr.I-think-calling-Omega's-by-their-... wait

"Wait. How did you know I was an Omega?" Louis widened his eyes as he spoke. He was completely sure he took his suppressants, so how could the complete stranger before him know he was an Omega?

"Because you smell like a bouquet of flowers. Now where's your Mother? I don't like waiting and I'm sure your mother will have enough basic knowledge to appreciate my presence."

Louis groaned and called his Mother again, far too frustrated with the whole situation to care for being polite. "You don't need to speak to my Mother by the way, I'm 18 years old and I can handle things myself."

"Well if you're 18 why didn't you go to the election?"

Louis frowned at the Alpha's question. "The election? How do you know that I-"

"My goodness!"

Louis whipped his head towards the exclamation to see his Mother rushing over and kneeling on the ground. "Mother are you okay? This man just-"

"Louis," Jay hissed, tugging the boy's arm down roughly enough to bring him to the ground, "have you no manners? You must-"

"No, no. It's quite alright."

Louis looked up at the Alpha before him, his eyebrows furrowed. "Who are you?"

"Ah, I suspected you didn't know." The Alpha chuckled dryly. "You may rise."

At the Alpha's words, Jay stood, yanking up her son with her.

"I do apologize for my son's lack of-"

"Mother, who is this man?" Louis prompted, he would have never interrupted his Mother, but Louis was frustrated at the lack of the answer to the question.

Jay dug her nails into Louis' arm at the interruption, only stopping at the Alpha's voice.

"I'm Prince Edward, Omega."

Louis paled, the stinging in his arm became meaningless to him, everything else didn't matter around him. Louis was going to die, he had disrespected the fucking Prince and now he was going to die.

I wonder how I'll be killed. Will he do it himself?

Louis glanced at the Prince's bulging muscles.


"Louis!" Jay smacked the back of Louis' head, successfully bringing him out of his day dream. "The Prince just asked you a question. I deeply apologize for my son's behavior, Prince Edward."

Louis rubbed the back of his head and glanced at the Prince cautiously. "What did you ask?"

Edward didn't respond, he simply looked between the Mother and son for a couple beats of silence, before asking for Louis to come closer, which he did.

Louis thought the Alpha was going to punish him in some sort of way for disrespecting him. He didn't really know what to except, Louis hadn't heard anything except for the basics of the royal family, he didn't ever think a moment like this would arise. Louis did remember that a member of the royal family was infamously kind, Louis hoped it was the one in front of him.

Maybe he's going to tell me it's okay.

Whatever thoughts he had of what Edward would do next didn't even come close to what the Prince actually did though. Edward grabbed Louis' shoulders and held them in place before burying his face into Louis neck.

Louis gasped but stayed still despite the itching urge to push the Alpha away. After calming down enough to pay attention, Louis realized what the Alpha was doing. "Are you... sniffing me?"

The Prince pulled away to answer the question, straightening his coat out before clearing his throat. "Yes, Omega, and I have good news for you. You're my candidate for the Luna of the three kingdoms, follow me."

Edward turned for the door and walked, automatically expecting for the Omega to follow him. The Prince only stopped when he heard a soft. "No."

"Excuse me?" Edward turned around, convinced that he had heard incorrectly.

Louis frowned and stood straighter, ignoring his Mother's incessant pleading whispers. "I said no. I don't want to be a candidate."

Edward studied Louis' face unsure why the Omega would reject him. Edward, the fucking Prince of the fucking country the Omega lived in. The Omega was clearly delirious. "You will come with me, Omega. That's an order."

"My name is Louis," the Omega gritted out.

"Well, Louis. You smell like roses, honey, and fertile ass so here's how this is going to go down." Edward walked towards the Omega and looked down at the significantly shorter boy. "You're going to come with me as my candidate, and you're going to be elated that I chose your ungrateful ass or else-"

"Or else what?" Louis glared in his attempt to look threatening.

Edward growled deep in his throat, making Louis tremble and Jay take slow steps backwards.

"Or else you'll be arrested for treason. So what's your pick Louis?"

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