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Dear Mother and Father,

by the time you read this letter I will be on my way from Carthe with an Omega of definite interest. I have decided to bring home only one, but don't find me crazy until you meet this boy. His name is Louis and he is my mate; I have never been so sure of anything before in my life. I will tell you both more about it once I arrive.

xx, Edward.

Edward sealed off the letter before looking up at the sound of a crash.

"Little Omega, what have you done now?" Edward asked, rising from his desk and making his way to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "Have I made a mistake allowing you to bathe yourself?"

"I-It's fine! Just don't open the door I'm naked!" Louis was trying to discard the small pieces of glass as quickly as he could. He didn't mean to drop the vial of perfume, but his hands were still slippery from the cocoa lotion, and that resulted in the mess that he was attempting to clean up.

Edward rolled his eyes from the other side of the door. "Don't try to clean anything, that sounded like glass, you could cut yourself."

"I'm fine, Edward. I just-" Louis stopped his sentence to hiss in pain.

"Omega! I told you not to touch anything, put on some clothes right now, I'm opening the door."

Louis looked around the bathroom quickly before running into the linen closet at the sound of Edward opening the door.

"Omega come out of there," Edward sighed, looking at the particles of broken glass on the floor and shaking his head.

"I-I can't."

"Now why can't you come out, Little One?" Edward brushed his fingers through his hair, trying his best to be patient.

"Because I don't have any clothes on! Just get out. I-I can fix this by myself," Louis said, cradling his hand and hoping that the man wouldn't open the door.

Edward groaned and made his way over to the closet, assessing his options. "Stick out your hand, Omega."

"Please don't make me come out, Edward," Louis begged, tears rimming his eyes at the thought.

The alpha huffed at the assumption. "Louis, I'm just going to take the glass out. You can stay in the closet if you wish, your nudity wouldn't faze me either way, I can control myself. Just let me see your hand, Omega."

Louis wiped his eyes with his hand that wasn't damaged, and nodded at the alpha's words, forgetting that he couldn't be seen. "Okay." Louis hesitantly stuck his hand out of the closet, guarding his naked body with the door.

The Prince held the back of Louis' hand, being as gentle as he could. Louis watched from the small crack of the door as Edward carefully plucked out the single piece of glass delicately.

"Don't move."

Louis kept his hand held out as the Alpha released his careful grasp to get a first aid kit from under the sink. After disinfecting it with hydrogen peroxide, and putting a bandaid on the harmless cut, Edward put everything away and handed Louis the pajamas that the boy had on the counter.

Edward cleared his throat and glanced at the door of the linen closet. "I'll send a maid to clean the mess. Put on your clothing so I can carry you over the glass."

"I-It's okay. I'll just walk around it."

"Do you have shoes on?"

"Well no."

"Then I don't understand why you're assuming that I'll let you walk."

"Edward, it's really not-"

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