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Louis cringed and nuzzled deeper into his pillow.

"Omega, you need to wake up." Edward pulled his coat on and crossed his arms. "Do I have to shake you?"

Louis grumbled against the comfortable pillows, "You need to stop talking, your voice gives me headaches."

"I'm going to brush my teeth," Edward began slowly, "when I come back out, if you're not up, I'm going to drag you out of bed."

Louis whined and kicked his feet against the luxurious mattress at the threat. He never had issues getting out of bed before, that being said, his mattress was nowhere near as comfortable as the one he was laying on.

The sound of the bathroom door opening again made Louis grip onto the pillow.

"Louis," Edward warned.

Louis chose to ignore Edward, figuring he would leave from frustration.

Louis was wrong.

Edward sighed and walked over to the bed, ripping the blankets back and tugging on Louis' ankles. "Up. Now."

"Please, Edward."

"Now, Louis."

"Five more minutes," Louis pleaded.

Edward grabbed Louis' hips and carried the boy over his shoulder, ignoring Louis' whines. "I will not accept arguments, Little One. What I say is what you do, and I don't expect you to provide a rebuttal."

Louis squirmed against the alpha's hold, trying to situate his ass to where it would be anywhere besides by Edward's face. "Let me go!"

Edward ignored Louis' threats once again, setting the boy on the bathroom counter. "I will continue allowing you to ready yourself alone, so I'm going to leave and allow you to do your business," Edward spoke with a patronizing tone, "when I come back, I will see you ready and absolutely excited to spend the day with your alpha. That is what will happen. Do I need to worry myself of a different outcome, Little One?"

Louis crossed his arms and shrugged.

"Omega, I expect an answer from you," Edward warned.

Louis sighed and looked away from Edward's intense hazel eyes. "Fine! Whatever, I'll get ready."

"Today is very important, Louis. I will not be late, if that means leaving without you, then that is how it will be. Don't test me today," Edward said the bluff with confidence, giving Louis once last look before leaving the bathroom and closing the door after himself.

Louis took a dreadfully slow amount of time brushing his teeth and readying himself for the day ahead of him. The idea of not being around Edward for a whole day was just too tempting. The alpha should have known not to threaten Louis with solitude.

After quickly choosing Louis' clothes, Edward knocked on the bathroom door with little patience. "Are you clothed, Omega?"

Louis sighed at the intrusion that was to happen. "Yes."

Edward shamelessly walked into the bathroom and set Louis' clothes on the counter. "Change into this- Omega, have you not brushed your hair? I've given you more than enough time to prepare yourself. What have you been doing this whole time?"

"I've been getting ready," Louis said nonchalantly, grabbing the pile of clothes and turning away from the Prince.

Edward looked at his watch and groaned. "Alright, fine. Change now and come out as soon as you're done."

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