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"My goodness, Louis! It's ten o'clock why are you still in bed!"

Louis groaned when Brithney opened his curtains. "Because I'm trying to sleep," Louis mumbled past his pillow.

"Well that just won't do, now get up."

Louis was annoyed -he was also tired- so he didn't listen to his teacher.

"Louis Tomlinson!"

"Go away it's my day off," Louis whined and pulled the fluffy sheets he was provided with over his head.

"You have no days off, young man. Now get up this instant." Brithney continued to cause a ruckus looking through Louis' closet.

Louis groaned and sat up, shoving the blankets off of himself and getting out of bed. "Why are you looking through my things?"

"I am looking for something suitable for you to wear," Brithney  answered casually, holding up a loose long sleeved shirt and nodding once. "You will wear this."

"And where do you think I'm going? Because I think you forgot that I haven't agreed to anything."

Louis huffed as Brithney ignored him and continued to look through his things.

"Hello? I'm talking to you-"

"If I tell you where you will-" Brithney gave Louis a look "-be going, it will still not change the fact that you're going. I suggest that you don't ask me again."

"Whatever." Louis rolled his eyes and sat on the floor of the walk in closet as Brithney continued her hunt.

As Brithney looked through the clothes, Louis suddenly realized how close she was to the bag where his suppressants were held in. "Wait!"

Brithney looked over at Louis with an unamused expression. "What is it, Child?"

"Uh... Um... Well- Uh, Saga said that my new clothes would be ready soon. So, why don't you ask him if they're done?" Louis asked with a too-eager smile.

"Hm." Brithney set the clothes down and set her hands on her hips. "Now what exactly are you trying to distract me for?"

"Nothing. I'm just excited for my new wardrobe."

Brithney narrowed her eyes

Louis pursed his lips.

"Fine." Brithney left the closet, but not before turning around and glaring at Louis. "But you will tell me eventually."

Then she left.


Louis hid the suppressants in his underwear drawer. Then he went back to sleep.

He slept for an un-overwhelming amount of just 10 minutes.

"Louis William Tomlinson, if you don't get up this instant I'm going to make sure you regret your decision!"

Louis fluttered his eyes open, making a face at the sight of Brithney. "I'm up."

"You are not up. I do not see you being up." Brithney laid out the clothes on the bed. "Now put this on."

Louis sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Will you be the one taking me?"

"The proper word to use in that sentence would be escort, Louis."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Will you be escorting me to my final destination, Ma'am? And if not you whom would be the one to escort me?"

Brithney rubbed her temples. "That was headache inducing. Come outside when you're ready."

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