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Louis stared blankly at Brithney.

"Are you paying attention, Boy?"

He yawned. "Yes, yes. I have to sit up straight and shit."

"Louis," Brithney warned.

"This is boring!" Louis laid back against the couch. "I want to do something else. Something fun."

Brithney rolled her eyes and poured herself more tea. "Only if you promise to be attentive once we go back to table manners."

Louis nodded quickly with a grin. He didn't think she would agree. "Sure, whatever you say."

Brithney sighed and took a sip of her tea after stirring it. "I'm going to assume you know nothing, as that is how you act."

"Hey, that's not very nice-"

"Do you know about the assassination of Alexander and James?"

Louis huffed, mumbling, "no."

"Then I'll continue." Brithney flicked her hair out of her face. "It is customary for the first three alphas to become the heirs to the throne. The current king and many kings of the past happen to be triplets-"

"Well where are King Desmond's triplets then?"

Britney sighed. "I'm getting to that part, Louis."

"Okay, fine." Louis rested his head on a silk pillow, waiting for her to continue.

"It is customary also for the first alpha to inherit Paros, then the second alpha takes Ovia, and finally the last alpha gets Carthe." Brithney took another unhurried sip of her tea. "King Desmond was the youngest from his brothers, Alexander and James, so he inherited Carthe. Once they were 23, just like the triplets are now, they did an election of their own. Anne was elected by Alexander as she was from Paros, and long story short out of all the omegas she was chosen to become the Luna. It was after the princes were born when free humans broke into the castle and murdered James and Alexander-" Brithney took another long, uninterrupted sip.

"Um, can you-"

"It's may you, Louis." Brithney stirred her tea.

"May you not stop in the middle of your sentence? The story is finally getting juicy." Louis adjusted his place on the couch.

"It takes the death of two kings to make a story interesting for you?" Brithney raised a brow. "You know what? Don't answer that question. Anyway, the death of James and Alexander resulted in more strict human handling laws and the banning of free humans from the Three Kingdoms."

"What happened to Ovia and Paros though?"

Brithney crossed her ankles. "Desmond took over and led the kingdoms by himself."

Louis turned over and stared at the ceiling. "How many things do I not know about?"

"What do you know of?"

"Not much, my Mother didn't tell me anything other than only what I absolutely needed to know." Louis looked for patterns in the marble ceiling. A mark looked like a horse. "Does that look like a horse to you?"

Brithney looked up and tilted her head slightly. "I suppose."

Louis smirked and looked over at Brithney. "If I asked Edward to get me a horse do you think he would?"

"If you asked him to get you a thousand horses he wouldn't hesistate."

Louis scoffed. He looked at the ceiling in silence.

"Do you know what you're getting into?"


"Do you know of the process of the election?"

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