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Louis stood on the platform with his arms outstretched and his legs apart.

"You're doing great, Sweetie," the tailor, who Louis learned to be named Saga, said. "An absolute natural."

"I'm at absolute natural at getting sized?" Louis looked at Saga through the mirror. He was switching from writing Louis' measurements down quickly to wrapping the measuring tape around him.

Saga was taller than Louis but shorter than him when he was standing on the platform. Louis noticed that he seemed taller as a result of his dark brown hair, which was perfectly kept in a pompadour.

"Yes- Oh! I wish I had your little waist. Absolutely adorable!"

Louis glanced down at his body. "Thanks, I think."

Saga flashed a perfect smile before continuing humming some random song as he continued to work.

The comfortable silence allowed for Louis to be in his thoughts, so he thought about the unfamiliar scent hanging in the room. It was obviously from Saga, but Louis didn't know how to go about asking politely what he was. So he just straight out did it. "So what are you?"

"I'm gay."

"Wait- no, that's not what I meant. You smell-"

"Good, I hope," Saga chuckled before focusing his brown eyes back on Louis' waistline.

Louis bit his lip as he thought of the right words to say. "Of course, you just don't smell like anything I've come across."

"Ah so that's what you mean; well in that case I'm human."

Louis looked at the man before him in increments, trying his best not to stare for too long. "I've never met a human before."

Saga took the last of his measurements and flashed a small smile. "I'm glad to be acquainted with you then, Louis."

The Omega opened his mouth to speak, but before anything could come out the door was slammed open, revealing an impatient looking Edward. "Is everything done here?"

Saga smirked at the Alpha's restlessness and helped Louis off of the stool. "Yes, Sir. He's all yours."

"Bye, Saga!" Louis said while being lead out of the room by the Prince. "Why are you in such a hurry?" Louis turned to look at Edward, whose long strides were forcing the boy to speed walk.

Edward glanced over at him, his frown softening in the slightest. "Mother wants to meet with us."

"Do you know why?"

"No. Stop asking questions," Edward grumbled, taking Louis' wrist when the boy was falling behind.

"This involves me too, Edward." Louis sped up to walk alongside the Prince. "I'll ask as many questions as I want."

"You may ask questions, but I will not answer them."

Louis rolled his eyes and yanked his wrist out of Edward's hold. "You're such a little kid. Stop trying to control me."

"I will do as I please," Edward grumbled, his lips dragging back into a frown.

Louis stopped walking and crossed his arms. "Then I will too."

"Why must you challenge my authority, Omega?" Edward turned around and walked towards Louis, only stopping when he was looming over the boy with a glare.

"You don't have authority over me, Edward." Louis stepped away instinctively, although his face was showing no intentions of backing down.

"I am your Prince and mate, I have every form of authority over you." Edward moved forward to make up the difference of space.

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