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Edward stopped a couple feet away from the cream white double doors, his arms yet to be uncrossed. "We're here."

The Omega rolled his eyes. "Why are you being petty right now?"

"And what exactly do you mean by 'petty'?" Edward scoffed at the thought. "I consider myself to be quite civil and considerate."

Louis made a face, he couldn't believe that the Prince considered himself in that way. "You would have thrown me in jail if I rejected you. Does that sound civil and considerate?"

"That is a completely different situation that calls for completely different solutions," Edward responded, looking down on the Omega with justification. "Besides, you are my soul mate, and I have every right to ensure that you are of my possession."

Louis rolled his eyes and soon took the same stance as the Alpha, crossing his arms. "You're ridiculous."

"Yes, please, refer to me what you will, but never forget that at the end of the day you are my mate. It will only be a matter of time before our bonding will become acknowledged and permanent."

The Omega stopped himself from raising the stakes of the argument, despite how badly he wanted to tell Edward to fuck off. "You annoy me often."

The Prince smirked, his fingers itched to pull Louis against his chest, but his mind knew better than to do so. "It is my fault that you become agitated when I remind you of our predicament?"


"Would it please you if I were to stop mentioning the state our relationship?"


"Then I will try my very best to make you happy, Sweet Omega."

Louis scowled when he felt his cheeks heat up. "Fine. Now can you stop avoiding meeting with your brother?"

The Alpha pursed his lips and looked over at the closed doors guarded by two royal soldiers. He really didn't want to have to speak to his brother. He really didn't want to establish that Louis wasn't only his now. He much rather would have enjoyed to keep Louis in his bed indefinitely. However, he knew that wasn't an option, so he stuck for just mumbling a curt, "fine."

Edward slipped his hand into Louis' smaller one and led the boy towards the dreaded doors.

Knowing that Edward would not, Louis politely thanked the guards for opening the doors for them, nudging the Prince for not doing so himself.

Thanking the Alphas was not on Edward's radar though, as he was too occupied with pulling Louis behind him and glaring at the identical copy of his face across the bedroom.

Marcel stood from his desk.

He dropped his pen on the wooden surface.

He was no longer concerned with his brother nor his actions.

Although he couldn't see the angelic specimen behind his brother, he could smell him and that was indication enough that this Omega was his mate.

The delicate perfume of roses and the thick scent of honey overwhelmed his senses.

Marcel became intoxicated. He wanted nothing more than to suffocate in the delicious aroma.


He growled at the sound- the distraction. His brother was no longer in the room- no. Now it was just a rival Alpha that was withholding Marcel from what was his.

Suddenly there was no space between Marcel and his mate, no desk, no brother between them.

Marcel sighed at the refreshing view of high cheek bones, pink lips, and devastatingly blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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