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"Relax, Omega."

"Quit telling me to relax! This is a big deal!"

"I don't remember you being to nervous when you found out I was the Prince of Carthe."

Louis rolled his eyes and laid down on the couch of the common area. "That's because-... whatever! It doesn't matter, the point is I'm not ready for this."

"You don't need to prepare in any way to meet my parents."

"Your parents are the rulers of the Three Kingdoms!"

"That doesn't mean much, we will be in their positions one day.

Louis would've glared at Edward if he wasn't so against sitting up from the comfortable position. "Yeah. Sure."

"Come along, Little One. My parents don't have all day; they can't wait until your little tantrum is over." Edward flicked his hair off of his shoulder, and held a hand out to the boy before him.

Louis glanced at Edward's hand before sitting up and walking towards the door. "I don't need your help for everything, Edward. I'm an omega, not a child."

"Classic Little Omega."

Louis crossed his arms at the Alpha's smirk. "Are we going or not?"

"Have you given up on convincing me to let you go home?"

"Nope, I've just realized that I'd rather speak to them than you," Louis admitted, pushing the door open and aimlessly walking down the hallway, trying his very hardest not to gawk at the beautifully constructed white walls.

"You're walking in the wrong direction, Omega."

Louis huffed and walked back to Edward.

"Would you like me to show you where it is, Louis?" Edward spoke with a smirk.

"Stop patronizing me and just take me there."

Edward chuckled and started walking. "You get offended very easily."

Louis followed after him with hesitation. "Because you're annoying."

"And what do you believe, my Omega, specifically makes me 'annoying,'" Edward asked, slowing his pace in order to get a better view of the Boy's face.

"You're entitled."


"You're selfish."


"You're spoiled."

"Of course."

"You're misogynistic."

"That's a given."

"I'm serious!" Louis crossed his arms. "Take my insults."

"My dear Louis, I have heard all of this before, coincidentally from people that know absolutely nothing about me." Edward patted Louis' head. "Maybe if you stopped attacking my character and started putting forth the effort that I am putting forth, you might be surprised by what you learn."

Louis fixed his hair and frowned at Edward's retreating figure, annoyed that the man made sense.

"Well wait up!" Louis sped up to reach the Prince, but instead ended up bumping against the man's back and falling backwards on the floor.

Edward turned around at the sound of the boy's fall, and let out a chuckle before getting himself together and offering the Omega a hand.

Louis took Edward's hand this time. "Why'd you stop walking?"

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