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Edward stormed into his room, and slammed the door shut behind himself. He didn't care much for the way the walls shook on the impact, nor for the bolt that fell out of the door as a result.

He didn't like that his mother had taken his favorite doll away from him, even if it was temporary.

He wished his brothers would get back home. Harry would've known what to do.

So Edward pulled out a pen and paper, and started writing to Harry first.

Dear Harold,

I have found a very interesting Omega, one that I have come to learn is our true mate. His name is Louis, he's absolutely gorgeous and

Edward stopped himself as he was about to describe Louis' personality. After spending two minutes or so to think of a positive way to describe it, Edward gave up and continued writing.

very small. I am getting terribly impatient while waiting for you to return, Brother. I recommend that you stop wasting your time looking for Omegas, as I have already found our mate. Leave every Omega that you have found and come home. Our mate is waiting for you, don't leave him to grow impatient as well.

Still waiting for your arrival,


Edward took out another sheet of paper after folding and tucking Harry's into an envelope, and began writing again.

Dear Marcel,

I have found our mate. Come home immediately. If Harry arrives before you, I won't be waiting on you.


As Edward sealed the letters off, a knock on the door captured his attention.


Five servants wordlessly walked into the room, and began picking up Louis' bags.

"Um, hello. What are you all doing?" Edward stood from his desk, walking over as the silent maids continued taking Louis' things out of the room.

"They're taking Louis' things to his room."

Edward whipped his head to the door frame and held back the growl that threatened to crawl up his throat at the sight of his Mother. It frustrated Edward to no end how she continued to push at the limits of his dominance.

"They already are in his room," Edward gritted out, his jaw clenched and fists balled. "Do not overstep your boundaries, Mother. My Omega will be sleeping in my bed, where he belongs."

Anne moved out of the servants' way as they carried the luggages out of the room. "I am your Mother. There are no boundaries, Edward, so I cannot cross them."

The pressure in Edward's jaw was almost painful, as he heard the sound of his Mother's finalizing heels click off into the hallway.

"Oh, and Edward?"

At the sound of his name, Edward obediently yet grudgingly walked out into the hallway; Edward would be a fool to not come to his Mother's call. "What do you want."

Anne raised a brow and turned to face Edward, slowly walking towards her spoiled son. "How old are you, Edward?"

"I am twenty two."

Edward's cheek stung with a lingering pain; he couldn't hold back the growl this time. His Mother had slapped him.

"Then act like it. You are to be a King, but nothing is written in stone, Son. You will learn to respect Omegas, myself included. If you do not learn to do so, then you will come to deeply regret your decision. It is time for you to be the person the kingdom needs you to be, not some brat that happened to be born with royal blood. You will be taking classes along with your mate, and you will show absolute interest in each and every one," Anne stated.

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