chapter 8

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Things were starring to look clear as day, Garrus Vakarian was in love with the famous Commander Shepard even Joker could see it. I swear those two are complete idiots when it comes to romance. Garrus would always try impress the commander on the field but she would always turn a blind eye to his cause she would always be busy.

While I on the other hand had to worry about something else rather being jealous that the famous commander had the notorious Turian wrapped around her fingers. The only thing that kept bothering me was my scar.... It was growing again. The memories of torture and pain came running back, I would scream sometimes and Jacob would be there to help me ease the pain.

Right now the notorious romantic idiots were on a mission, they were recruiting the crazy biotic.... Jack ...... While I am here in the ships medbay trying to regain by breathing back to normal. Doctor Chakwas and Mordin and trying to find ways to ease my pain but seem to cannot as they are at a stand still. My brain keeps flashing memories of the people or things that hurt me and one word keeps flashing in my head... OBEY

"No! Please stop this.... I cannot handle it anymore." I said while feeling my biotics going crazy. Jacob and Thane came to my side to restrain me, "We need to sedate her.... thats the only option we have." Thane said while trying to force me to lay down. "No! Don't do this to me", I yelled while trying to break free from them.

Mordin came with a needle and injected it into my arm, I tried struggling again but it was to late. I was loosing consciousness and I felt myself being slowly put down towards the bed. "She needs rest now." was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me.

I started to gain a sense of my surrounding when I started to hear beeping noises, I looked at the side and saw I was connected to a heart monitor. I sighed and stood up, knowing that the pulsing voice was still there. When I looked out the window showing the crew deck, I saw Garrus and Shepard close and smiling..... Too Close for my liking.

I just shared my head when the voices seemed to subside and I was able to think clearly again, "I am just here to make sure the mission is a success and thats all" I said to myself out loud. "Damn straight you are", I looked towards the door and saw Miranda leaning towards the door frame, staring at Garrus and Shepard. "But you are still human... well mostly and its not your fault that you need to indulge in feelings like love." she said while looking back at me. I smiled, knowing full well where this conversation was going. "You know that you are a pain in the ass." I said with a smile still on my face.

She just stood there with a grim expression."Blaze, you know full well why I am here..... You are having those dreams again and now you are hearing "its" voice again.... that is not good." she said with worry. I just nodded and detached myself from the heart monitor and walked towards her. " I know what I am doing and I know that things will be hard for me to control from here on out... If things go out of control and that serum you guys worked your asses off does not work anymore. Proceed to project Valkyrie, immediately. Understood Operative Lawson." I said with authority in my voice. She just sighed and nodded.

I patted her shoulder and started walking outside, "Now will you excuse me, I have to greet an another crazy lunatic in the team." I said with a smile. As I waled towards the elevator I saw Garrus almost hugging Shepard, when he saw me he hesitated and just nodded towards Shepard while walking towards me. Shepard just stared at me with an unknown feeling, just standing there in the middle.

"(Y/N), we need to talk." Garrus said while catching up to me, I just nodded and proceeded towards the elevator. "What is that you want Vakirian." I said, knowing fully that Garrus hated it when I used his last name rather then his first. He took me by the wrist and slammed me against the elevator wall, now I was pissed at the damn Turian. "What in the God damn mind is happening to you....?" he said while staring into my eyes. The intensity of the stare was too much for to handle, so I just looked away. He grabbed a hold of my chin and made me look towards himself, "Blaze... tell me whats Wrong...... I though we were friends." he said while leaning towards me. I was mad, afraid and only one thing kept going in my head.... "You are nothing to him. You never will be."

I pushed Garrus off me and punched him to the jaw (almost), "that is non of your business Vakrian, you and I are just comrades.. nothing more.... nothing less. Stay aways from me......


I said while exiting the elevator leaving Garrus stunned and I to loath in my self pity.

Hey Guys, Author-nim here!

Here is the chapter. So who do you guys think is the person or thing thats bothering blaze?

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