Chapter 14

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Screams could be heard coming from the colony... there were collectors everywhere.

As our shuttle landed on Horizon... I saw something I did not want to see.. pods every where reminding me of those brutal and vile memories of my past that I had wished to forget but they kept on coming into my head.

Everything was quiet... the colonist were all frozen in time. As Shepard and I looked around I saw no sign of movement from the enemy. As we moved on further we started analysing the near by pods, as Shepard had started to get info about the pods from EDI a ear piercing shriek could be heard around me.

I collapsed on the floor and screams of people could be heard coming around me... Kill Shepard Othiash!

Those words kept repeating in my head, I could feel myself reaching for the pistol and aiming it at Shepard....


echoed the noise of a gunshot throughout the colony.

Shepard stood there stunned at what happened and turned around, there stood a collector who fell on the ground.. dead.

I shook my head and got up from the ground with the help of Mordin. Shepard remained stunned and would just look at me as to what had just happened. Garrus on the other hand had his mouth wide open, that scene before me just made me chuckle a little.

" Blaze are you alright now, are the headaches getting worse?" Mordin said while scanning me, his voice indicating his worried outlook. " I am fine Mordin, just lost a little control there... I promise won't happening again." I said with a smile. Shepard shook off her surprised state and walked towards me.

" what was that about?.. are you okay sis?" asked Shepard while trying to hold me up on her side. " Shepard Im fine, I just lost control thats all. " I said while looking at her with a small smile.

Pain still lingered in my whole body and I did not know what to do about it. Right now I was at a higher risk of being controlled by Harbinger and I was a greater threat to my sister to any collector standing.

I moved my head towards Mordin, initiating a secret conversation which only he and I understood. Mordin knew that I was threat to Shepard right now and bringing me on the mission was like testing my control over my body.

Shepard and Garrus looked at each other. Both having a worried expression on their faces. They knew the pain I was going through but they did not know how vulnerable I was for Harbinger to take his full control.

Mordin in the end broke the silence, " Shepard we must proceed with the mission. Blaze will be alright." he said with confidence. I stood up with my back straight and started leading the way. I looked back and said " what are you guys doing back there? we have a mission to accomplish."

The whole team smiled and Shepard ran up to me to take back the lead.

{ Time Skip }

We were nearing an end to our mission and so far we had successfully take down the collectors but in between something bad happened....

" You have disobeyed me for far too long Othiash... Its time you come to your master's control."

A piercing voice echoed in my mind and then darkness.

Hey guys, Author-nim here.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.. sorry if its short.. I have been working on Jaal x reader and so far I have an idea what to do with this book. :)

Have a great day! Love you guys :*

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