Chapter 9

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Screams could be heard coming from the below me, and I had no idea what was happening. Shadowy figures were begging me to help them but then their screams would be silenced by a voice that would order to me to do the unthinkable...... "End there pathetic lives."

"No!" I yelled jumping of the bed. Cold sweat had been tripping down my forehead and the grey coloured walls seem to finally stop moving. I looked around and saw that I was in my room in the Normandy, I sighed.... That dream becomes unbearable every time....

I stretched my body and looked at the clock beside me, it was 3 am in the morning. Great, I frowned and climbed climbed out of my bed. Walking out of the room to the elevator, I could hear the humming of the engine and occasional silence. Everyone was asleep even Joker... I called for the elevator and waited while massaging my forehead. I felt a burning sensation on my back and neck. A voice kept ringing in my head, "Obey me Othiash*!"

"No leave me alone", I said trying to keep quiet so I could not wake the others up. My head was pounding every more, blurry figures started appearing in-front of me... all yelling the same thing "Help us! Please."

I could not breathe, my heart rate had increased significantly and I was felt like puking. I quickly went to the crew deck and entered the bathroom, puking my guts out. I could not breathe and my neck and my back was burning as like someone had thrown acid on me.

I could not handle it, I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would be there to help me but no one was there. I was crumbled up on the floor trying to stabilise my breathing but I could not, it was as if something had been squeezing both my lungs and stopping me from taking another breathe. The bathroom lights were flickering, my world felt like it was crumbling underneath my very feet and I could not take anther step in fear that I would fall in the depths of my own suppressed chaos.

Suddenly sirens could be heard coming from the whole ship and I could here movement coming from all over the deck. A voice could be heard yelling my name but I could not feel anything but pain. My mind was blurred up with voices telling me to do things that would leave me to my own demise.

I felt myself being lifted from the floor into someones arms, I felt like screaming again. I did not want to be touched, only one thing was going on in my head. My mind screaming at my body to move, run away from here and that is what I did. Gaining some control over my body I pushed the person who had me in his arms and I ran towards the exit. My hearth accelerated, my bionics were out of control.

The only thing in my mind was that I was in danger and I needed to fight my way out of here... leaving no witnesses behind. I had slammed at least four people to the wall, when suddenly I was faced by the crazy biotic herself JACK. "Blaze snap out of it, I don't want to hurt you." she said with a scowl. " Sadly I do." I said with a smirk on my face. I attacked her with everything I had ad she easily dodged every attack as if it was a walk in the park. I was getting pissed, anger consuming me entirely.

I was about to attack Jack again when suddenly I felt a sharp pain towards my shoulder, I looked over it and saw blood. I looked over my shoulder and saw the damn Turian with a pistol aimed towards me. "(Y/N) back down now, or else." he said while pointing the pistol towards my chest. "Inflict your pain Vakarian, I have faced much worse and trust me sweetie I have brought down chaos and destruction everywhere a simple wound won't stop me." I said while sped walking towards the Vakarian.

Before I could use my biotics I was shot to the chest, I looked towards the person who used his weapon against me, the same person who vowed to be my saviour. I just gave him a sad smile and started to loose the feeling of life. Garrus caught me before I could fall to the ground, "(Y/N)! your going to be alright just stay with me!" he said while yelling at crew to get Mordin and Doc.

"Garrus.... Thank you..." was all I could muster until darkness had embraced me into its arms.


Garrus was pacing back and forth, he did not know what to do. He had shot you and now you were going through surgery. "Please (Y/N)! come back to me." he said while massaging his face, making sure tears did not flow through his face. He had shot you, the person he had vowed to never hurt. His heart was breaking into pieces, the entire galaxy just seemed to blame him for hurting you.

"Blaze is lossing control faster than we thought. She needs to be kept under critical observation from now on, but for now inject that serum into her." A voice said that Garrus was all to familiar with. He leaned against the door of the med bay, trying to catch lien in into the conversation that was happening in the room. "Operative Lawson, you know what that thing does to her. She will not be able to reagin consciousness for a while." the voice belonging to the great Mordin Solus. "I don't care, Blaze wanted me to make sure that she would not loose control..." she said with a sad tone clearly visible. "What if she loosed control all together then what? are you going to kill her?" Dr.Chakwas said finally trying to defend Blaze as a mother would. There was silence, nothing could be heard but just the beeping of a heart monitor.

"We will initiate project Valkyrie, if things go out of hand." Miranda said finally breaking the silence that had loomed over them. Garrus held his breathe.... What was happening to Blaze...

He needed to know.


Hey Guys, Hope you like this chapter.

Please do comment on how you liked it.

*by the way guys Othiash means darkness.

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