Chapter 18

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" The IMF is now installed but Shepard, I would advise you to take the shuttle for your next mission. " echoed the voice of the AI, EDI.

Shepard just stood there on the galaxy map, as if she was conflicted about something and could not point out what was troubling her.

" Shepard, everyone is waiting for you in the shuttle. You can choose your team members for the mission there." echoed Miranda's voice through the coms.

" Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. Joker, keep the ship safe while we are gone." Shepard said while walking towards the elevator to the hanger bay.

Upon entering the hanger bay she saw all her team mates gearing up for the mission.

Except one, Blaze.

Blaze was in Garrus's arms, smiling at every joke he was making.

Shepard walked up to the pair, wanting to know why her sister was not tagging a long for the mission.

Blaze noticed her sister waking up to her, from the corner of her eye. She turned around and smiled at Shepard as a sign of greeting.

" Hey, why are you not suited up for the mission." Shepard said to her.

" Doc needs me to rest for a while after what happened at Tuchanka." she said as she leaned on to the turian.

Shepard grasped her sister's hands. She sensed that something was off and Blaze was hiding something.

But Shepard opted to let it go..

For Now.

" Alright its time to go. " Jacob said while waking towards the shuttle.

Shepard was already suited up. As she walked towards the shuttle she saw Garrus saying something to Blaze before kissing her template and boarded the shuttle.

Blaze just stood there and saw the shuttle come to life and zoom out into the distance.

An unsettling feeling had grown into her heart, even when she tried to ignore it...

It just stayed there.

She sighed, opting to go back to the bridge to talk to Joker.


Things were quite for sometime. Blaze was happily chatting with Joker from time to time, while she helped him with some system checkups.

The peace had been shattered. The ship had shutdown itself and EDI was in responsive for sometime.

I glanced at Joker's worried look. I knew what was going on.

The collectors had boarded our ship.

I quickly picked Joker up by the arm. " EDI tell me what to do now." I said to her while dragging the poor pilot to the tech lab.

" You would have to crawl through the vents to reach the crew quarters." she said.

I heard screams coming from the floor we were on. The ship's crew was being dragged into hell.

I quickly pushed Joker into the tech lab and sealed the door.

" Joker go, Im right behind you. " I said to him while he climbed down the ladder.

A clear look of fear and paranoia was on his face, yet he still stood strong.

I went in next and soon we reached the crew deck.

One of the crew members was there loaded with a gun, ready to protect us.

" Come on Blaze, Joker. This way." he said while running forward and shooting the husks that were attacking the crew.

I was able to block some of the bullets by creating a biotic field around me and him.

We had safely reached the AI core, Joker had started working on removing the restrictions that had shackled EDI from the start.

I kept an eye around the room. Making sure that Joker was well protected from anything.

Suddenly I felt a piercing head ache. My whole body went numb, falling in my knees and I vlushed my head to stop the pain.

A voice rang in my head.

" I know what you are trying to do but you must know, the only way for you to save your friends and family..."

" Is for you to give up."

Joker clasped onto my shoulder, making me jolt back to reality.

" Hey? You okay?" he said with a concerned voice.

I just shook my head," Dont worry about me. What do we have to do next?" I said to him.

" We have to reach the drive core. To allow EDI access to the engines of the ship." he said while waking towards the vents.

I shook my head and soon we ventured forward to the engineering deck.


Once we had reached the deck, I could feel danger was near.

I looked up and saw three collectors and a fused husk beast waiting for us at the door.

What can I do?

I have no choice but to sacrifice myself.

I looked at Joker and hugged him tightly.

Only two words coming out of my mouth.

" I'm sorry."

He stared at me with a confused look. Before he could say any thin I pushed him away and quickly distracted the enemy.

I tried to fight them. Giving Joker enough time to access the engine core.

I was outnumbered, badly injured and in a vunrable state. Witg my body not wiling to get up an more, the collectors were able to inject a serum into me.

Darkness was soon covering my sight, the only thing that echoed inside my mind was Garrus's words.

" Stay safe, for me."

Forgive me Garrus. I had to do it....

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