Arrival for the fifth year

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I was left standing on platform 9 3/4. I boarded the train and searched through each compartment and after a couple of minutes I found one with a spare seat. Three boys and Pansy sat there.
"Hey." I said, throwing myself onto one of the seats, next to Pansy. The auburn haired girl gave me an amused look.
I sighed, relaxing into the cushioned seating as we talked for most of the journey.

The train came to a stop and we grabbed our bags. I followed the four Slytherin teenagers outside and along the path. Further ahead of us, I spotted a familiar face. We strolled up to the trio as Draco spoke.
"Surprised the ministry is still letting you walk free Potter. Enjoy it while you can, I'll bet there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." He snarled, as the glasses wearing male stepped forwards.
"See? What'd I tell ya, complete nutter." Draco continued. I rolled my eyes as the black haired boy retorted, held back by his ginger friend.
"Just stay away from me!" Instead of following behind my four friends, I hung back and told them I'd catch up.
"Ron?" I asked sheepishly. The boy in question looked to me and nodded.
"I'm sorry about that. We all know Draco can be a complete ass."
He nodded.
"Yeah, been there. So you went from Fred and George last year to Draco and Pansy this year?" I chuckled and shook my head.
"I switch between the four. When the twins are busy I'll hang around Slytherin and vice versa." He nodded and we walked off, Harry and Hermione coming too.
After a short walk, we reached a muddy track with carriages. Harry turned around and began looking at something, unknown to the rest of us.
"What's that? Pulling the carriage?" He asked, we turned around and I understood what he was talking about. However, the others did not.
"What are you on about? The carriage is pulling itself like always." Hermione stated, I sighed and headed to the back of the wooden carriage, to the seats. A bleach blonde girl sat there, reading a book.
"You're not going mad." Her voice was high but sweet and gentle as she spoke to Harry, putting her book down.
"I can see them too," She continued.
"You're just as sane as I am." I giggled and pulled myself up, next to her. After a few moments the others followed suit, a new face joining the ranks.
"Hey Neville." I greeted as he smiled and returned the greeting, holding a strange cactus thing.
"I'm luna lovegood." I nodded with a smile.
"You can see them, right?" I asked her, she nodded. The carriage began to move as the creatures pulled it. We rode through tall dark trees along a cobblestone muddy road until we reached the school.

"Good evening children," His voice boomed around the room.
"Now we have two changes in staffing this year. Welcome back professor grubly plank who will be taking care of magical creatures while hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new defense against the dark arts teacher professor Dolores umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. As usual our care taker Mr filch, has asked me to remind you-" he paused as the new professor, wear a lot of pastel pink, giggled. Everyone looked towards her. She stood up and made her way over to the headmaster.
"Thank you headmaster for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see your bright, happy faces smiling up at me, I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." She paused, due to something they said, she gave a quick look to the Weasley twins. After this I sighed and zoned out, not wanting to listen to her annoying voice and look at that hideous outfit of hers.
"Well I know what me and the twins are going to do this year." I mumbled, sharing a knowing smirk with Fred and George.
"You there! The Slytherin girl with (h/c) hair. Stand up." I groaned and stood up.
"Care to share what you're smiling about?" She asked, more like demanded.
"Actually, I wasn't smiling." She stared at me with a stern gaze as I smirked again.
"You're not going to like me, Professor Umbridge." I added, sitting back down.

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