The final battle of Hogwarts

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Edited/rewritten June 9th 2019

Malfoy manor was usually a dark a place. Dark building, dark grounds and dark skies but today it was blue skies, green gardens and cream, black and dark green walls. The sun poured through the window due to the curtains being open, waking me up. Groaning, I sat and looked around the room, the last thing I remember was that I was crying on the floor, Draco trying to calm me. So how the fuck did I get up here. I got up and changed clothes (Media). Hearing how silent the house was, I wandered down the stairs and heard whispering. No, let me correct that, someone speaking parceltongue. The snake language. I followed the voice into another room. The first thing I noticed was the blood staining the floorboards, I looked up and saw a rather large snake and Voldemort walking. Not bothering to speak, I began walking my way through the littered bodies and red liquid to reach the Malfoy family at the other end of the room. I passed the lord and Narcissa grabbed my hand, pulling me to her, her husband and son. She watched wide eyed as they both glided across the room. Draco grabbed my hand and I backed into him.

After a few more minutes he left and we were left staring at the scene around us.
"What happened today?" I released Draco's hand and wandered through the corpses.
"Did you notice earlier? Gryffindors sword disappeared." The three of them nodded and we began cleaning.

I stood with the Weasley twins as we, the Weasley family, Hermione and a few members of the ministry stared down the great hall at Profe- Headmaster Severus Snape. I may be the daughter of two deatheaters and living with three, but I will fight for my friends and what is right. That being taking Voldemort down.
"How dare you stand where he stood." Harry said
"Tell them how it happened that night! How you looked him in the eye. A man who trusted you and killed him! Tell them!" He finished, Snape drew out his wand, the students flocking to two sides of the room. Minerva McGonagall stood with her wand ready next to Harry.
Multiple streams of flames and fire shot from her wand towards the new headmaster. Snape blocked each one. He backed up and turned into black smoke, smashing through the window and leaving. Professor lit each fire in the room as Harry sat on the floor. In the corner a girl started screaming and then another. Voldemort bargained for Harry and Pansy told everyone to grab him.
One by one the Weasleys and other ministry members crowded Harry, protecting him. I stood with my brother figure, Fred. McGonagall ordered for Slytherin to be guided to the dungeon. Harry asked for time and we all prepared as the few teachers left defended the castle. Everyone began to scatter around the school.

Defences were put up and many deatheaters attempted to get in. Many failing. Neville ran from one end of the bridge, dodging spells and blowing it up. He fell but managed to pull himself back up.
"That went well."
Deatheaters and trolls bombarded their way over bridges towards the school, smashing the most part of it.
I remained with the twins as we roamed the school fighting anyone from the other side that we came across. The castles ruins were alight, while many students lay motionless. You could see lights flying around everywhere, spells casted along with curses and hexes. Dementors coming closer which were soon dealt with. One of the twins sat against a wall, fighting a dark haired girl, who from this distance seemed to be wearing a Slytherin uniform. But hey I'm probably wrong. Lord Voldemort ordered his 'troops' to retreat so we could dispose of our dead with dignity and harry was asked to meet him in the forbidden forest.

I found the trio wandering through the main courtyard and joined them. We headed straight towards the doors and pushed them open. What was revealed was few students and teachers helping others out. Ron was the first to walk in, me right behind him. Many students had died but I stuck with Ron walking to his family. Ginny stood there looking at Harry, Molly was crying on the floor, Bill hugging his wife and George pulling away from his fathers embrace to embrace the youngest brother, Ron. I looked at him confused and he motioned to Molly, who I now realised wasn't crying on the floor, but her son, Fred. I pushed passed Ron and knelt on the floor next to his- our brother. Tears threatened to fall as I looked at him. I touched his head and brought my hand up to his hair, he was stone cold.
"Fred...please just let this be a prank...I beg you..." I cried next to him and Molly before I stood up and went over to Hermione, letting Ron be with his family. I looked near Harry and saw Remus and Nymphadora, laying peacefully side by side.

I followed Harry into the forest and stood with him. I hugged him, thanking him for helping out the boys in the room of requirement. He nodded and Bellatrix told me to come to her, so I did. I watched, scared, as the dark lord 'killed' Harry in front of both me and Hagrid. Narcissa checked he was dead and we were all guided back to the school.

From a distance I spotted Neville picking up something among the rubble. We walked across the bridge, Harry in Hagrid's arms. Ginny became panicked as Voldemort announced Harry's death. I now stood between Narcissa and Lucius staring at the Current and previous Hogwart's students with dull eyes. Announcing his death once more many of the people around me laughed.
"Come join us now or die." He stated to the students and teachers.
"Draco!" His father croaked. Everyone turned to face the boy in question.
"Come here Draco." He whispered. Draco looked hesitant and vulnerable. I gave him a pleading look as his mother put and arm around me, calming my nerves slightly.
"Draco," Narcissa paused for a moment. "Come."
His eyes darted to me and I gave another pleading look, almost crying. He looked at the ground and then came over, awkwardly hugged by the dark lord himself. Then walking over to his mother. Neville stepped forwards holding the sorting hat. Draco linked his hand with mine, intertwining our fingers.
"I'd like to say something!" He spoke quickly.
"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone," He paused and looked around. "People die everyday. Friends, family, yeah we lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us in here." He lifted his hand and touched his heart.
"So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them! They didn't die in vain." He said turning to Harry and his friends. "But you will because your wrong." Neville pointed to 'Tom Riddle' as the man in question began laughing. "Harry's heart did beat for us. For all for us."
And with that the tall male pulled Godric Gryffindors sword out the hat. Harry fell from Hagrid arms onto the floor from struggling. Getting up he threw fire at Nagini but it ricocheted off the large serpent and into many of the dark lords followers. I look back to my friends and notice everyone smiling due to the continuation of Harry potter's life. Now having Voldemort's attention, he ran into an outside corridor while his enemy shot fire at him, hoping to hit. Black smoke began shooting up into the sky, signalling deatheaters leaving. Narcissa took Draco and I by the hand and began leading us across the bridge. I turned to look back at the castle to see everyone going inside a hoard of black following after them. I span back around due to nearly tripping over a rock.
"Where are we going?" I asked, out of pure curiosity.
"Home, my dear." She replied, I nodded and continued walking.

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