The final chapter

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Edited/rewritten: June 9th 2019

Many, many years later...
"Scorrppiiuuuussss~!" I sang as I slid down the hand rail of the staircase. "Get your ass down here~". The blonde followed down the staircase, his father just behind him. Sirius was hopping around beside me as a happy little wolf, quickly shapeshifting into a human. Black hair, pale skin and slightly shorter than Draco. Much to our luck, he was actually clothed in dark blue jeans and a grey t-shirt along with bright blue eyes. Sirius squatted down to Scorpius' height and flattened the boys hair.
"Honestly Scorpius..." he sighed, I groaned.
"Why did I let you name him?" Draco shrugged as I laced my hand with his own, staring at our son. Sirius shifted back into a cat, hopping beside Scorpius.
Now it was my turn, I was squatted in front of the blonde 11? Year old, sorting his hair.
"We need to find a new way of sorting out your never fucking cooperates..." I muttered, luckily neither of the boys heard me. Releasing a relieved sigh, I placed my hands on Scorpius' shoulders, looking him in the eye. "I want you to listen to me, kay?" He nodded.
"Make friends with Weasleys and Potters." Draco gave me a ridiculous expression, I hit his leg, not breaking eye contact with my son. "They're good people. Okay?" He nodded again. Placing a quick kiss on his head, I picked up Sirius and stood up, pushing the boy towards the train.

Upon looking up, I spotted familiar faces. Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry.
"Hermit!" I called with joy, allowing Sirius to drop before he turned into a bird as I hugged the woman.
"What's the kids name? You never told me!"
"Hugo and Rose.." she smiled as I awed.
"What about Harry and Ginny?"
"Pretty sure it's Albus, Lily and James." Ronald replied. I nodded.
"What about yours?" I chuckled and shook my head, glancing back to Draco as he stared at Harry and vice versa.
"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy..." Hermione sighed, giggling as she shook her head.
"Draco name him?" I nodded as Ron shook his head and turned back to his child(ren) and guiding them over to Harry's children and edging them onto the train.

Wandering back over to Draco, Sirius perched on my shoulder as the platinum blonde snaked his arm around my waist, I pecked his cheek.
"Hopefully he won't be the worst person at Hogwarts...." I trailed off, glancing to the platinum blonde at my side. He gave me a 'really' look and I giggled.
"Question is if he'll be Slytherin..."
I sighed, but nodded in agreement.
"I guess all we have to do is wait and see."
"Hey kid." I ruffled Scorpius' hair as I passed him in the house while he sat on the couch. I froze as I spotted Draco staring at him from a chair. "What'd he do...?" My voice slowed into a curious one as I slid next to the former Slytherin seeker.
"Our son is a proud Slytherin." I slowly nodded.
"Uh he now...? Make any friends over this term?" The young child nodded. "Like who?"
"There's this one girl called Rose...and then there's Albus..." a bright smile crossed my lips.
"A Potter and Weasley."
"Granger-Weasley. Draco. Rose is a Granger-Weasley." I looked back to my son. "You've made a great choice in friends." I placed a small kiss on his head before going back to what I was doing.

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