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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I stood in a shallow area of the black lake with Neville looking at random stuff as Harry leant against a tree flicking through a book. I saw Ron and his sister along with Hermione, coming towards us. I waved to them, causing Harry to turn around.
"Ronald would like me to tell you, that Seamus told him that Dean got told by Pavarti that Hagrids looking for you." She had managed to remember it all and I smiled at her amazing memory.
"Is that right? Well- what?" Harry asked wanting to know again.
"Uhh...uhh" she went back over to Ron to find out as I just shouted to Harry.
"She said Hagrids looking for you!" Hermione turned to look at me with a grateful nod and I just smiled, going back to my lake plants.
"Hey Neville, what's this?" I asked the black haired boy, holding up a small black crab.
"Uh, I'm not sure. Maybe you should set it back down?" I nodded in agreement and set it on the water, watching as it acted like a dolphin, jumping in and out of the water. I giggled and heard Hermione yell about not being an owl? I looked back up and saw the three of them walking away.
"Dragons, that's the first task." Harry stated as Cedric adjusted me on his back. Yes I had jumped on his back and refused to get of when he stood up to go with Harry.
"You're kidding! Did Charlie bring them?" Harry nodded again and my face contorted into confusion.
"So why didn't Ron mention it?" I asked, completely forgetting that they weren't on good terms.
"Oh! Never mind." I awkwardly laughed and shrunk back a bit.
"Sorry Harry." I apologised to Harry after Cedric pinched my leg. Harry walked off and I stayed on Cedric. I glared at him and annoyed him for pinching me.
"It's only fair I get to hurt you. Family thing." He rolled his eyes and nodded I brought my heel forwards and swung it backwards, hitting him directly in the balls. I jumped off his back and let him fall the the floor.
"Touchè my dear cousin. Touchè." He laughed as I smiled and waved good bye to his friends.
"See ya later Diggory!" I saluted to him and wandered off after Harry.
"Why so tense Potter?" I heard Draco shout from a tree. I groaned and faces the tree with Harry.
"My father an I have a bet you see..." I sighed.
"Here we go..." Harry sighed with me and we continued looking at Draco, I mouthed the right words to his sentence in perfect time and order.
"I don't think your going to last 10 minutes in this tournament. He doesn't think you'll last 5." He jumped down from the tree and Harry went over to him.
"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." I sighed and pulled Harry back by the collar of his jumper.
"Harry, ignore him."
"That's right Potter! Listen to your little girlfriend." I had turned to leave but changed my mind, I walked up to Draco and punched him square in the jaw.
"What did I say last year about punching that pretty little face of yours, bleach boy?" I hissed through gritted teeth. I'm so glad I'm basically the same height as him, it makes it so much easier to hit him.
He scoffed and laughed.
"What a pathetic punch." His voice taunted me.
"Oh I'm sorry, do you want to have a broken jaw, Malfoy?! Or shall I get Hermione to give you another broken nose?!" I punched his jaw again, this time leaving a visible bruise. I shook my hand to take away the slight stinging in my knuckles I turned away and started walking, Draco quickly grabbing my wrist and spinning me to face him. The first thing I thought? Why? The first thing I saw? Draco smirking. The first thing I felt? Draco's lips against mine. I stood there shocked for a second, two fingers hooked under my chin, before returning the gesture, his hands moving to rest on my waist while my arms went around his neck. The classic 'ooh's erupting around us. You know the difference between a kiss and a peck? A peck is simply lips touching, a kiss is with tongue.
"Mr Malfoy, Miss Rivergold, if you could save that for elsewhere and get to your classes, it'd be much more beneficial to your education." The two of us Slytherin students pulled apart, Draco with a smirk and I with flushed cheeks. Okay...so now I'm deciding I'll go and ask Ron about the dragons.
The next few days I spent trying to figure out how to beat each dragon depending on which one I chose.

The five of us stood in a large tent, either pacing, stood still or sat down. I was sat down on the couch in a dark green hoodie and black jeans adorned with boots similar to that of Quidditchs'. Harry spoke to Hermione through the tent wall as she pushed through the fabric and hugged Harry. A flash sounded and Rita Skeeter appeared.
"Young love." She teased as I rolled my eyes. I spotted Cedric being oblivious to what's around him, other than Rita and her drama, so I jumped on his back again.
"You have to stop this habit of yours." I chuckled at his remark and shook my head.
"Nah, it lets blood rush to my legs therefore continuing the circulation." He sighed, knowing my science was right and hooked his arms under my knees to keep me up, I smiled.
"Good day champions, gather around please." Dumbledore insisted as he burst through the tent entrance.
"What're you doing here Miss Granger?" Complete surprise was in his voice.
"Oh, Uh sorry. I'll just...go." She awkwardly said waving good bye to me and Harry. I waved back and smiled.
"Barty the bag." The headmaster asked, as the man in question opened a bag.
"Circle round me." We were placed in a random order and miss delacore chose her dragon first.
"The welsh green, Mr Krum." He added as he handed the bag to the male.
"The Chinese fireball, Mr Diggory."
Cedric placed his hand into the back and gently pulled out a small dragon.
"The Swedish short-snout." Barty crouch smiled to my cousin and handed the bag to Harry, two dragons left.
"The Hungarian horn-tail. Which leaves for Miss Rivergold..." I put my hand into the bag and found an....
"Antipodean Opaleye..." I muttered as I pulled out a white dragon with pearly, iridescent scales. It's eyes glitter multicoloured but it had no pupils and as it shot a burst of fire I noticed it was a vivid red. I smiled and played with the small dragon in my hands.
"It's beautiful."
"You must collect the golden egg in which a larger version of these dragons protect. You need these eggs to proceed to the next task, for they provide the clue." We all nodded and Cedric was sent out first. I slid off his back and hugged him.
"Don't die." He chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"Like I'd leave you with my dad." He chuckled and left the tent.

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