Lupin, Hogsmede and Quidditch

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

During Professor Lupin class (DADA) we were learning about bogarts and how to defend against or defeat them.
"Okay without wands," Lupin instructed us to repeat the spell 'Ridikulus' so we did.
"This Class is ridiculous." I was stood to Pansy's right, so behind Crabbe, not that far from Draco, when he said this. I leant over to him and rest my arm on his shoulder.
"Remember what I said about snide remarks, Malfoy." I watched as he visibly shivered and shuffled back to my flower named friend. Neville was called forwards and asked to state what he feared most and his reply was professor Snape. Everyone laughed but I completely understood why, the man was quite scary when angry. He was asked to imagine the bogart wearing his grandmothers clothes. Once it was released it turned into Snape but soon changed into his grandmothers clothes as he recited the spell. The group was asked to form a line and do the same thing, their fear and what they find most amusing. Music was played as I changed from Snape to a giant spider in skates, to a giant snake into a jack in the box, to a dementor to an image of the full moon. Harry's was passed and so were others until it finally reached me. I imagined my greatest fear and watched as the bogart turned into an exact image of myself only with red eyes. I stared at it but couldn't find anything amusing to add to it. I stood blandly for a moment before it shifted again, this time into the same thing but covered in blood stains, and again but into a mirror. How do you turn a mirror amusing? I thought for a moment before reciting the same word as everyone else had.
"Ridikulus." I pointed my wand to the object and it had become bright pink, a smiley face drawn in bright blue across the glass like substance. I smiled as it changed into me again and backed, willingly, into the wardrobe. I kept a satisfied smile on my face as I turned to our astonished professor.
"Professor Lupin, why would a bogart wish to go willing back into its captive area?" I asked, his reply wasn't as surprising as I'd hoped.
"Because it believes that your worst fear is already true..." I tilted my head, my smile faltering.
"Is that why it showed me a mirror?" He nodded and I smiled.
"So is my worst fear myself? Being surrounded by people? Or am I simply afraid of the people around me?" I asked, he shook his head, not knowing the answer. I nodded my head and he dismissed the class.
We handed our Hogsmede permission letters to Mr Filch as professor McGonagall explained that these trips were a privilege. I stood with the usual four - because Pansy was there - , Pansy, Crabbe, Draco and Goyle as she did so. After she finished we followed Mr Filch out of the grounds.

We arrived at the small village around half and hour later. I stuck by my four friends as we wandered around, eventually landing at a small pub. We ordered butter-beer and talked for the remainder of the trip.
"So (y/n), how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Pansy asked with a sweet smile, I returned the smile.
"It's great, rather entertaining too. There isn't a boring day." She nodded and we talked as the boys mainly listened until I bought up a specific question.
"Pansy, you asked me who I preferred out of Marcus and Draco, may I ask who you prefer?" She nodded her head.
"Sure, it's only fair. My answer would have to be Draco." Her voice was stating it as if her answer was obvious, I nodded my head and gave a smirk to the boy in question.
We got back into the common room to hear upper years talking.
"The fat lady isn't in her portrait."
"I wonder where she is."
"The painting had been slashed, I wonder what happened." The fat lady was...missing? I ignored it and headed to bed .
Autumn was now upon us as we waited in the DADA room for our professor. Snape walked in, shutting each door and window, instructing us to turn to page 394. We did as told and pulled our books in front of us, turning to the page. He strolled down the aisle as we sat silently flicking through the book. Turns out we were learning about werewolves.
"But Sir we're not supposed to be learning about them until the next few weeks." Hermione stated, randomly appearing.
"Now who can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" I lazily raised my hand as he called on me.
"An animagus chooses to transform whenever and has developed the ability to shift into a creature, like Professor McGonagall. But a werewolf was either born or bitten like that and has no choice but to change at certain times and only responds to a call of its own kind..." My voice slowly trailed off as I became bored and Draco made a howling noise. I looked to him and looked back to Snape, my expression clearly showing boredom. Snape asked for a 2 page essay on the creature as Harry argued about quidditch being the next day, Snape accepted no excuses.
During quidditch it was pouring down rain, umbrellas flying passed every now and then. Today was Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor. For quite a while we didn't see Harry until he started falling.
While the Weasley twins, Ron, Hermione and Neville stared at Harry, I jumped on Fred's back to actually see Harry just as he woke up.
"Hi Harry!" I greeted as he sat up. To keep me from slipping I wrapped my arms around Fred neck as he kept his arms under my knees.
"You fell off your broom." Ron told Harry.
"Really? The match, who won?" The dark haired male asked. I shared a look with Fred and looked back to Harry.
"The dementors were sent off, Dumbledore was furious, they aren't supposed to come onto school grounds." Hermione started while I finished her sentence.
"So the match was cancelled, no one won, Harry." I slid off of Fred and stood on the floor, before bidding the group farewell and heading towards the dorms to change.

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