The TriWizard tournament and the three unforgivable curses

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I travelled with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione to the Quidditch World Cup. The twins were kind enough to invite me along.
"Say George, which team are you rooting for?" I asked, he didn't need anytime to think before both he and Fred replied.
"Ireland." I laughed at their creepy twin speaking thing and continued walking. We reached a small tent and were ushered inside. It was a lot
larger on the inside which didn't surprise me as much anymore. Magic was a wonderful thing.
"Thanks for letting me come along, Mr Weasley." He gave me and the twins a smile.
"Any friend of the boys are welcome." I returned the smile.
"Blimey dad how far up are we?" Ron whine in disbelief and amazement. I stood next to Ron and his father as an all too familiar voice spoke. And when that person is somewhere another isn't far behind.
"Well let's put it this way..." Lucius paused for a moment, spotting me as I leant on the metal railing.
"If it rains, you'll be the first to know." The two Malfoy laughed and I smiled.
"Aw would you look at that. You're being looked down upon for once....Litterally." I gave a two fingered salute to Draco before following the snickering twins away.
"Don't boast, Draco... There's no need with these people." I smirked at Lucius comment.
"You mean decent, caring, loving people who can afford to get seats instead of having to be invited?" I smiled down to them as I heard the twins laughing quietly. I gained a scowl from the head of the Malfoy family, as we headed to our seats. We were stood right at the very top as the Irish passed over head.
After the match we were back in the tent teasing Ron about Krum, the worlds best seeker, and him being Ron's hero.
"It's not the Irish, we've got to get out of here, now." Mr Weasley told us. We stayed silent and filed out of the tent, instructed to go to the port key and stick together. Fred and George were given the responsibility of Ginny, in some case it made sense but others not so much. Tents were alight as Quidditch fans ran around the large field screaming. I continued on with the twins making sure at least one of the three of us had a hold on their only sister. Unfortunately we were separated from Harry, but still forced to keep going.
"Ginny! He'll be fine! Let's just focus on ourselves for now. He'll meet us there. Okay?" At my statement the youngest Weasley nodded her head and followed after her brothers, me and Hermione not far behind.
Once the destruction had died down, we headed back into the camp area because we ended up losing Harry. A few flames lit the path every so often as we saw an image appear in the sky.
Hermione and Ron had gone with Mr Weasley in search for Harry while I stayed with the twins to keep and eye on Ginny.
"You okay Ginny?" I asked, pulling her into a small hug. She nodded and hugged back, Fred to my right and George next to Ginny.
We were starting our fourth year at Hogwarts and Pegasi appeared on school grounds, pulling carriages. Just below them was a ship emerging from the water, docking at the edge of the school and black lake.

"Now that we are all settled in, I would like to make an announcement." Dumbledore began as we sat at our designated tables. I sat beside Pansy, Draco in front of me.
"This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts have been chosen...." he trailed off as Mr Filch came and told him something.
"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host an extraordinary event. The TriWizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the tournament brings together three schools who take part in magical contests in which a single student is to participate. Now let me be clear you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted. Now join me in welcoming these lovely ladies!" Girls dressed in blue enter the great hall, stopping every now and then to release beautiful blue butterflies. We all clapped as they either bowed or stood at the front of the hall. What an elegant entrance.
"And now our friends from the north, please greet these gentlemen." Loud thudding noises were made as a male entered the room holding a staff, which I found as the source of noise. Sparks flew as the rest of the boys entering hit their staffs against the concrete flooring. Fire was blown and flips and acrobatics were done.
"Well that was eventful." I stated boredly, slowly clapping.

A tall centre piece was placed centre stage as we ate. I sat at the edge of Slytherin next to one of the male guests. I shivered as his hand grazed the side of my thigh multiple times.
"Can you not?" I growled and swatted his hand away, shuffling slightly closer to the right of me...Draco.

Fred and George were completely against the idea of only people over the age of 17 being able to complete, so did most of the school. Our head master explained about the Goblet.
"Now who can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" This question came from Mad-Eye moody.
"Three..." I mumbled, not paying any attention to my surroundings.
"And they are so named?"
"Because they're unforgivable. Using one will get you straight into Azkaban." I replied still bored out of my mind.
"So which curse shall we see first? Weasley!" He spoke rather loudly.
"Yes?" Ron whimpered.
"Stand." He did as told and said a curse.
"T-the imperious curse?"
"Good. Caused the ministry quite some grief. Perhaps this will show you why." Mad-Eye lifted a jar lid and levitated a spider(?)
"Sir! If this is one of the unforgivable curses, you shouldn't exactly be using it in front of student. Should you?" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"No, no. You're right. I shouldn't. But as you can see that curse can allow you to make the victim do what ever you want it to. Throw it out a window. Drown it's self..." I sighed and slumped into my chair.
"Another. Another." He demanded. I didn't wait I just stood up and all eyes landed on me.
"Another curse would be the cruciatus curse."
"Correct! Correct! Come! Come!" He motioned me over to the front desk and I walked over to it. I knew he was going to pick on Neville and force him to do this, if I didn't stand up. There ya go Neville now you don't have to suffer. He placed the spider on its original place and performed the curse. I watched as the creature writhed around in pain, making what sounding like squealing or screaming. I swallowed whatever I was going to throw up. I loved animals. Insects and mammals alike. So I couldn't bare this. It continued making that pain filled noise up until Hermione yelled.
"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering her! Stop it!" Moody looked at Hermione then to me and back to the insect. He released the spider like creature of the curse and he picked it up, handing it to Hermione.
"Perhaps you could give the last unforgivable curse miss Granger." She shook her head multiple times, and then moody cursed the creature himself.
"Avada Kadarvra!" I listened as it made that horrible noise again and gagged. I ran straight out of the room and into the girls toilets, throwing up into one of the toilets. I could tell someone had followed me because I could hear them chasing after me. I stood up and pulled open the door to see Pansy. She gave a sympathetic smile and pulled me into a hug, to which I returned.
"Creatures, beasts or animals you love them don't you?" I nodded my head and washed my face once she released me. After that, we headed back to the classroom. I collected my stuff and walked back out.

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