Back to school for the sixth year

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Thank you for reading my story, however I do hope you are aware that when people write something they take the time to look for images as well as actually type out their story for you to read. So when you insult an image they choose, or the style they may choose, or even the way the story goes, it actually does effect the writer and how we write and think. So when you read my stories, I hope you take into consideration what you say when you comment on my chapter before you actually comment. It seems to happen on this chapter an awful lot just because of the dress one of us happened to choose. So I ask you, if you don't like it, that's fine, but don't tell us and then link one you prefer. We chose this dress because we believe it suits the personality of the character we have written. Also, links don't work in the comment section on any device, so I simply suggest you refrain from commenting preferred outfits or dresses. Finally, on other chapters there have been outfit images at the start of some chapters, when you comment for us to 'chill with the flannels' that actually is insulting. Whoever wrote that chapter or even the book may happen to like wearing them, so I suggest, again, not insulting someone's style simply because you don't like it or they wear too much of it.
Thank you and enjoy the story xx

Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I waited at the Weasley house with Fred and George, plotting what pranks to pull this coming year, when I heard an owl screech and Ginny and her mother talking.
"I was just wondering when Harry got here." The youngest of the family asked. The boys and I shared a look and raised an eyebrow before leaving the room. We stayed at the staircase as Ron and Hermione emerged and asked where Harry was. Hearing his voice, we all bolted down the stairs, smiling. He was guided to his room and talked with Ron and Hermione for awhile, while I returned with the twins to planning.
"So, what can I do this year?" I asked. They smirked and the chattering began.

From now I would be leaving the Weasleys and living with the Malfoys, business you could say. I sat in their living room talking with the only son to the Malfoy family.
"Sixth year. Geez we're gonna be leaving Hogwarts soon." I sighed and he chuckled.
"Oh! Did you hear? The Weasley twins have their own shop. Practical jokes and all." I giggled as Draco now sighed.
"Yeah, Diagon alley is slowly closing down." I nodded just as Narcissa entered the room.
"Oh! Dear god (y/n). Tell us next time you come to stay." She laughed, half startled at seeing me sat beside Draco discussing random shit. I smiled and nodded,
"Will do." giving a small salute. She turned her attention to her son and told us to follow her. We stood up and headed towards the fireplace. She handed us some floo powder and instructed us to go to Diagon alley.

We wandered around the street before quickly looking around us and heading down a small alleyway. Narcissa and then myself. I grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him along behind us.
"Shouldn't stand too long in the open, Malfoy." I sensed him roll his eyes and follow along. We walked through twists and turns in cobbled and stone arches and walls, careful not to let anyone see us.
Unaware of our destination, the two of us glanced at each other and back to his mother, still hand in hand, walking down some steps. And to answer your questions, No we aren't dating. We are simply very comfortable around each other. We both seemed to show a softer side of ourselves around each other and our mothers. Our fathers...not so much. Coming to a halt in front of a store called 'Borgin & Burke' did we let go of each other and become our inner Slytherin. After his mother and myself, Draco hesitantly joined us in the building. Lights were turned on ;) as we were guided into another room amongst a group of men and women robed in black.

A brown/black cabinet was shown to us, to which I circled, carefully in taking the intricate designs on the metal. The bleach haired male trailed his hand over it, too, inspecting it. Hearing a tile slip from the rooftops behind us, I turned to face it. I saw a glimpse of light grey disappear, but shrugged it off, turning back to the adults surrounding me. A blind was closed and we continued.

After a few more hours, we headed back to the manor and got some sleep, ready for the next morning when we'd have to board the train.
I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. I rolled over to face it and sat up, untying my hair simultaneously. It cascaded to below my shoulder blades as I stretched, permitting entrance to the visitor.
I sat cross legged under the duvet as I rubbed my eyes.
"Morning." I greeted Draco.
"Hey. Sleep well?" He asked, sitting on my bed. I nodded and rest my head on his shoulder.
"Why do we have to go back today of all days??" I whined, flopping backwards into the pillows. He chuckled and stroked the black cat that wandered across my bed. I'm still yet to name him.
"Say...I've had this small clawed creature for over a year and he still doesn't have a name. Any suggestions?" The blue eyed male in front of me shrugged for a moment before replying.
"Black?" I giggled but soon thought for a moment.
" about Sirius...Sirius Black. Like Harry's godfather?" I suggested, remembering the events, ending last year. He chuckled and ruffled Sirius' fur. I smiled and picked up the feline, standing from the bed and setting him on his little cat tree. Purring, he curled into a ball and fell asleep. Said tree was by the door. Hearing Draco speak and stand from the bed, startled me slightly.
"You should probably change." He paused as I sighed.
"Sports shorts and an old T-Shirt isn't exactly what you should go to school in." He added, sighing again I groaned. I heard him chuckle and I stroked Sirius' head gently. Walking out of the room, Draco ruffled my hair and headed to his own room to get ready. All my bags were packed and everything was set, all I had to do was change and do my hair.
I rummaged through the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black jeans and a green flannel with black lace at the shoulders. Once changed, I slipped on a pair of black converse and sat at a vanity table next to the window. I grabbed a hairbrush and flattened out my hair. My (h/c) straight hair now smooth and silky.

We boarded the train, Sirius in my arms, and headed towards the part with the rest of our years Slytherin. I slipped into the window seat opposite Pansy and we began talking about our summers. Draco slipped in beside me and began talking to the dark haired male next to my best friend. I remember his name being Blaise. I lightly kicked Pansy under the table and motioned her to lean towards me. I whispered to her, causing her to blush and me to laugh.
"You and Blaise would be so cute together. So hurry up!" They two boys beside us, looked at us strangely before returning to their conversation. The deatheaters son, stood up and placed a black bag in the overhead carrier above us before black smoke filled the area.
"What the hell was that?" Draco snapped. I placed a hand on his forearm and asked him to sit back down.
"It was probably just first years playing jokes." He sat back down and not long after, the two of us noticed the bag, he had placed above us earlier, moving. Moments later the 'Hogwarts express' came to a steady stop and everyone clambered off. Draco told Blaise and Pansy we'd see them back at the school. Pansy gave me a look telling me to make a move, to which I returned to her, nudging her towards Blaise.
"Tell me, Potter. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to eavesdrop?" The blonde snarled after closing the blinds and knocking Harry away from the bag. Draco kicked Harry in the face, possibly breaking his nose. I grimaced and looked to Draco.
"Maybe that was a bit far Drace?" He scoffed and picked up his bag. I lifted my cat as Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him, out of the train and to the carriages. We walked through the gates onto the muddied track to be greeted by Professor flitwick.
"Names?" He asked.
"Sir, you've taught us for 5 years." I stated. He sighed and nodded towards 'security' we took our bags over and allowed them to be searched. My bags were searched and then they moved onto Draco's. The human in front of us asked him about the walking stick, just as professor Snape appeared.
"It's fine I can vouche for Mr Malfoy and Miss Rivergold." He stated.

I sat opposite Pansy and Blaise while Lucius' son sat to my right during this years first feast. The ceremony with the sorting hat had just finished and we had some decent new Slytherin blood. Dumbledore stepped up to his owl podium thing and began to speak, silencing us all. "The very best of evenings to you all. This year we'd like to welcome back Horris Slughorn, who will be taking his previous position as the potions teacher. While Professor Snape is to become the new Defence against the dark arts teacher. As you may have noticed, upon your arrival your bags were searched. And everyone has the right to know why. Once, a young man sat in this hall, walked the corridors of this school and seemed as a student as any other, his name was Tom riddle, today known by another name, while dark forces attempt to enter Hogwarts. Their greatest weapon is you. Well, you should all be off to bed." Students began chattering as we exited the hall.

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