Antipodean Opaleye and the Yule ball

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I was the only one left in the tent. Cedric, Harry, Viktor and Fleur has all faced their dragons and gained the egg. Now all I have to do, is do the same. I pushed my way passed the fabric onto a large stone as I gazed towards the centre of the arena, spotting the golden egg. The pearl white dragon was chained to the centre of the area.
How do you calm a dragon?! I could've sworn I read it somewhere!
"What did the twins tell you Charles said....." yes! I remember!
I stalked my way out of the cavern like area and into the arena, the dragon instantly spotted me and flew in front of her eggs. I groaned and carefully made my way towards her. Just like the Hippogriff I bowed my head to it and I sat still, completely. The crowd around me had gone silent. The dragon stared at the wand in my hand, I glanced at my wand and then the dragon. I slowly lowered myself and placed the wooden object on the floor, kicking it away from me. As slow as I did before, I rose again and took a few steps towards the dragon. It backed up and screeched.
"Hey,'s okay. I just need the gold one. The fake one." It looked from the nest to me and back to the nest then back to me. It eyed me suspiciously.
"See yours are a greyish colour. That's not grey. So can I have it?" I asked the beast as I took a few more steps closer. It stopped moving and so did I, anxious as to what it might do. It turned back to the nest and scooped up the golden egg. As it came closer to me, I took a step back and it stopped. She placed her head on the floor and let the golden egg roll towards me. I didn't move and looked back to the dragon who nudged it closer to me with her nose. I took a gentle step forwards and picked it up. As I did so, she nuzzled her head into me and chucked me onto her head.
"Well I have the egg, what now?" I asked, looking at Dumbledore as I pet the Antipodean Opaleye. Everyone stared at me wide eyed.
"What?" I climbed off the dragon and smiled to it, petting it once again.
"Thanks for the egg." I picked up my wand, holding it in a surrender and putting it back into my pocket before walking out of the arena.
I was later called to Dumbledores office and told to bring the egg. I did as told and followed the instructions I was given.

I stood at Albus' desk, facing him as he paced back and forth.
"Why am I here sir?" I asked, his gaze snapped from the floor and onto me.
"Do you know how long it's been since someone has been able to speak to a dragon to calm its nerves like that?" I shook my head 'no'.
"Oh dear child, it has been Centuries. You're the first in centuries." I nodded my head and stood up.
"If you don't mind sir, it's late and I'd like to go to bed." He nodded and dismissed me.
The boys of Gryffindor sat on one side of the room while the girls sat on the other, McGonagall lecturing them about the Yule ball and it's traditions. I was only here because I had a free period and nothing to do so, why not watch the Weasleys embarrass themselves? When she mentioned that the Yule ball was a dance the boys started whining to each other while the girls started gossiping. I stood in a corner with the twins as we watched Ron ballroom dance with Professor McGonagall. We stood smiling and almost laughing at Rons expression. As Fred and George started to mimic the dancing Harry called them down to him.
"Oi, you're never going to let him forget this are you?" They both shook their heads which caused me to giggle. To be quite honest the only people in the room who knew I was here was Fred, George, McGonagall and Ron. The rest were completely oblivious. The head of Gryffindor got all the girls to stand up but the boys refused to, Well all except Neville.
"Go on, Harry." I said with the twins, nudging Harry forwards toward Ginny.
Throughout the days and weeks I watched as the boys got more and more scared to ask a girl because 'we travel in packs'. It was now a lot closer to Christmas and snow was everywhere, well it was Christmas Eve, eve. I had one more day to find a date or I'm going alone. I wandered around the halls of Hogwarts trying to avoid most of the guys so I would have an excuse not to dance. I walked into the common room to see all the boys told in a crowd talking, I would've gone straight to my room, if they weren't blocking the stairs. I turned away from the common room and went on my way. The saddest thing was that I didn't leave the common room, I was blocked in.
"Heey, guys." I waved awkwardly and took a step backwards into the Slytherin common area.
"So (y/n), you got someone to go to the ball with?" One of the many boys asked.
"Uhm, no. I'm not a very dancy kind of person." I replied, grabbing my other arm from behind me.
"Which means you need someone to go with?" Another piped in. I nodded my head and they all started yelling and arguing I awkwardly laughed and spotted Draco and his friends on the couches and walked over.
"Hey Draco."
"Hey. Congrats with the dragon." I nodded as a thank you and dipped into the seat beside him.
"Hey guys." I lazily waved to the others, so they wouldn't feel ignored or neglected. The four other students replied with a simple 'hey'.
"I just had an idea!" Pansy sat up straight and leant forwards to say something.
"Blaise can I go with you?" The boy in question looked taken aback, as did everyone surrounding us. He hesitantly nodded and Pansy smiled.
"Great! Oh! (Y/n), you should go with Draco." I looked at her confused, wanting more of an explanation.
"I mean since you guys are so close it wouldn't be awkward, would it?" I shook my head and looked to Draco who agreed with her statement. He glance to me and stood up, pulling me by the hand with him.
He dragged me all the way to the Gryffindor common room and asked the fat lady to get Hermione. The fat lady did as asked and Hermione appeared.
"Before you say anything, I have no idea why I'm here." I stated quickly and defensively. She nodded and looked to Draco as he gently pushed me forwards.
"She's your responsibility to help get ready for the ball. Dresses, shoes, hair and shit I'm not dealing with. See ya at the ball (y/n), Granger." And with that he was on his way back to Slytherin. I smirked to Hermione.
"I don't own any formal dresses at Hogwarts..." Hermione smiles and grabbed a jacket and we began a journey to Hogsmede.
"Which means, we gotta go shopping." I smiled.

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