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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

We sat in the great hall, taking our O.W.L exams, the lady in pink stood at the front. Students began looking behind themselves towards the door, causing Dolores to become curious and agitated. She stormed down the centre aisle, towards the door. As she reached the door, everyone was staring at it, she pulled them open and walked out into the corridor. Only to be greeted by a small flickering spark, flying in front of her. It continued into the hall and exploded into a firework. I smiled knowing what was happening. She took a few more steps forwards before the troublesome twins flew through the doors on broomsticks, creating more fireworks as they did. I giggled and sat on my desk. Dolores looked mortified, I now sat on the furthest desk to the front, smirking. She continued her way back to the front of the room where I sat. She stopped halfway as the orange haired twins threw one final firework. It was a large Chinese dragon heading straight for her. Using a line I've always wanted to say, I stood on the desk and shouted as she ran.
"Down with the bloody pink bitch!!" As it bit down, each rule and announcement that was placed on the wall fell and smashed. Fifth year students filed out of the hall and into the courtyard, watching as Fred and George flew in the air setting off more fireworks in the shape of a 'W'.
I watched as Harry fell to the floor and waited to see what happened.

"Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl." The pureblood stared, dragging into Dolores' office, Neville.
I walked up the stairs to her office and knocked.
"May I just say," I paused glancing around the room. "I'd let them continue what they were doing. They'd have a perfectly good reason for breaking into a teachers office, as they always do." She stared at me waiting for an explanation as to why I'm here. "Oh I get it. A Slytherin helping other houses is ridiculous. Especially to fifth years." I heard a green robe wearer scoff as I glared at them. "Also professor snape is here." I announced, stepping aside to reveal the potions teacher. The pink bitch asked about a potion for interrogation, apparently due to her the stores of ingredients have been used up.
"The cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue." The slave of Cornelius fudge stated. I watched as Harry's friends tensed.
"That's illegal." I retorted. She prepared her wand in front of Harry, I stood leaning against the doorframe, my arms folded but my wand out. As she was about to pronounce the words I recited another.
"Expeliarmus." I flicked my wand and hers shot across the room, landing next to the bleach pureblood.
"We'll tell you where Dumbledores secret weapon is." I suggested as she grew excited. I chuckled and motioned for Hermione to continue and guide the bitch.

As asked, Hermione lead professor Umbridge through the darkness of the forest, describing why it was there they lead her. Dolores became paranoid and talked about how she hated children I chuckled, seeing the centaurs. They fired an arrow, causing pinky to almost suffocate one. Hermione and I knelt next to it as we tried to help pry the ropes off.
"Now I will have order!" Umbridge stated before being lifted off the ground by Hagrids half-brother. She whined and the centaurs charged towards her, drawing their weapons. They began poking and prodding at her while she squirmed in the giants grasp. "Tell then I mean no harm!" She begged as she was dragged away, Harry's only response was something he had to write for detention.
"I'm sorry professor, I must not tell lies." And with that she was taken by the centaurs, to god know where.
The two Gryffindors panicked about Sirius as we ran to meet with Ron, Ginny and the others.

We flew to London on the creatures that previously pulled the carriages to Hogwarts. We entered the department of mysteries and followed Harry. We walked through a blue door into a room of white spheres.
"Lumos." I whispered, the end of my wand lighting. We stayed in a group apart from harry, Neville noticed an orb with Harry's name on it and pointed it out. We saw a figure approach us and stepped back. He removed his mask as he spoke, revealing his face as Lucius Malfoy.
"You should really learn to tell the difference between a dream and reality." Hearing the crazed high pitched giggling of a witch. Cautiously we watched as Bellatrix LeStrange appeared.
"Why did Voldemort need me to come get this?" Harry asked, holding up the orb with his name.
"You dare speak his name!" Bellatrix paused her yelling.
"You filthy half-blood!" I took a deep breath and sighed.
"Prophecies can only be retrieved by those who they are named." The bleach haired death eater answered Harry's question. He looked to me and smiled.
"Ah, (Y/n), it's wonderful to see you again. Do come here, your parents would be glad to know your safe after this." I looked around the group of students I stood with, warily, before sharply inhaling. I lowered my wand and slowly nodded, walking towards Mr Malfoy. He placed a hand on my shoulder before nodding, gently pushing me behind him towards Bellatrix. She, too, gave a satisfied nod. I took notice of the two or more death eaters behind my friends and tensed slightly, then relaxing. Lucius began to slowly step towards them, Bellatrix close behind. I remained stood in my place.
"Do you want to know all the secrets to your scar?" He asked Harry.
"All the answers are there, Potter. In your hand. All you have to do," he paused.
"I'd give it to me." His voice was gentle and 'kind'. I stayed put and didn't move.
"I can show you everything." Ginny and Luna turned around, Wand at the ready to attack the, now moving, surrounding deatheaters.
"I've waited 14 years." Harry began.
"I know."
"Guess I can wait a little longer. Now!" Harry instructed as the group chanted 'stupify' and aimed their wands at Voldemort's followers. They sprinted down the aisle as I watched, silently from afar.

Orbs began falling and shattering after Ginny used riducto, a white light following as they fell. I appeared behind them and grabbed Luna's hand and running.
"Come on!" I shouted to the others, they turned and followed. Shelves began falling as we turned left and saw the door. We ran straight through and started falling through the air. We were stopped just before we hit the ground, many of us gasping. Harry kept ahold of his sphere as we stood up, staring at an odd archway. The-boy-who-lived, slowly made his way towards the shimmering surface between the arches pillars.
"Can you tell what they're saying?" He asked. We all followed after him when Hermione spoke.
"There aren't any voices Harry." She paused.
"Let's get out of here." Luna strode up next to Harry.
"I hear them too." The blue eyed female kept her eyes locked onto the arch.
"Harry, it's just an empty archway." Hermione continued. The deatheaters surrounded us as we stood with Harry. Our group tried swatting away the black smoke as it engulfed us. Failing, Harry sank to the floor while each member of the group was held by a deatheater, a wand pointed to their necks or temples. I stood beside the archway watching everything unfold. Draco's father wandered up to Harry and demanded for the prophecy or he could watch his friends die. He hesitated before handing the blonde deatheater the ball. Harry remained calm as Sirius appeared. Lucius turned to face him as Sirius black spoke.
"Get away from my godson." He said calmly, punching the head of the Malfoy family, in the jaw. More members from the order of the Phoenix came to help, freeing the students from the dark arts.
Heated fights began as the members helped everyone down. I followed with Luna as Nymphadora pulled her from a boulder. The stone we had just came from was hit and shattered. We ducked. Harry and Sirius fought Lucius and just as he was knocked down, Bellatrix appeared.
"Avada cadavra!" She shouted, aiming at black. He staggered back into the archway as Harry stared at him. I slumped against the wall and stared at the ceiling, not wanting to watch as Harry was restrained from following after his godfather or Bellatrix, listening to his screams, cries and pleas.

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